Reader’s Top Tens – Michael Gray

If you were sent to a desert island and only allowed to take TEN mainstream spanking video clips with you – which ones would you choose?

Reader Michael Gray has sent me his personal Top Ten. It’s an interesting selection with familiar standards nestling alongside some more leftfield choices. In fact, there are a couple that I haven’t even seen. He explains his criteria: “To me the attractiveness of the spankee, her naughtiness, and the overall build-up to the spanking are what matters (even if in some cases the spanking itself is cut short).”

If he’s missed out some of your favourites, why not send me your own Top Ten, and perhaps “Reader’s Top Tens” can become a regular series? You can contact me at the usual email. I think two or three of Michael’s selections would make my list too, but you’ll have to wait to find out which ones.

10. Yours For The Asking

Attractive, interesting Ida Lupino plays a gangster’s moll in a tight skirt, and ends up getting her bottom soundly spanked.

Watch this underrated scene here. And yes that skirt really is tight!

9. Temple Houston (“The Guardian” episode of TV series.)

The whole episode is about Temple’s taming of the unruly daughter of a dead friend.

This is a topical choice because Chross has recently posted this clip on his blog so judge for yourselves just how good it is here.

8. The Hawk of Castile

Similar plot to Temple Houston, this Spanish film tells the story of a very naughty teenage ward who pushes her guardian one step too far and gets spanked in front of all his dinner guests.

I haven’t seen this and couldn’t find the clip online or even a still.

7. McLintock!

I’m choosing the Stefanie Powers scene because I find Stefanie more appealing than Maureen O’Hara.

Whilst there are plenty who think that Maureen O’ Hara’s coal-scuttling is the greatest spanking scene of all time, there are some for whom it isn’t even the best spanking in McLintock!. Download the Stefanie Powers scene here.

6. Wagon Train (“The Nancy Styles Story” episode of the TV series.)

Naughty (unpleasantly so but she has a real minxish attractiveness) Deborah Walley hitches a ride on the wagons for her own nefarious purposes. The spanking is too short but its good to see her behaviour starts changing as the first two or three resounding spanks land. And the journey there was something else!

Deborah Walley is one of TWO spankees on Michael’s list who were romantically linked with Elvis Presley during the 1960s. Watch her screen spanking here.


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5. The Naughty Flirt

Pert and delicious Alice White teases her man once too often and gets soundly spanked on the seat of her tight dress. Rueful bottom rubbing follows.


4. McHale’s Navy (“Babette Go Home” episode of TV series.)

The whole half hour is about a girl who needs a good spanking. This one played with great gusto by Susan Silo is very naughty indeed, stowing away on board, and then setting off a torpedo! Another short spanking but the journey there makes it worth it.


3. My Little Margie (“Daughter at Law” episode of Gale Storm’s TV series.)

Again, the whole episode is about Gale being particularly disobedient and working up to a good spanking across her father’s knee.


Gale Storm was also spanked in the 1949 Western “Stampede”.

2. Iron Maiden What a gorgeous creature Anne Helm was. She gets a brisk deserved spanking in a barn and there is more than one reference to it later in the film.

Anne Helm is the second former flame of Elvis on this list. Download the scene here. One later reference comes when Anne Helm’s mother asks her where she was “struck”. She says “on the…” but doesn’t complete the sentence!

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1. Cowcatcher’s Daughter. Unrivalled in my opinion in build up, quality and length of spanking, the engaging naughtiness of Marjorie Beebe as the daughter, and her relationship with strict but dotty Pop, Andy Clyde.

Watch Michael’s No 1 here.

A Farmer's Daughter 003

The picture shows what Michael thinks MIGHT have happened in another of Marjorie Beebe’s films when Pop caught her painting graffiti on the fence. A sound spanking followed by an humiliating addition to her own “tag”!How embarrassing for naughty Marjorie having to stand there like that until supper time!

Don’t forget to send me your own top ten mainstream screen spankings. 🙂

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6 thoughts on “Reader’s Top Tens – Michael Gray”

  1. My own list:

    10. “Juke Joint” — an old black film in which a mother drags her grown daughter into the next room and whales away on her quite hard, seen briefly through the keyhole

    9. “Too Young to Kiss” — June Allyson pretends to be a little girl and is treated accordingly by Van Johnson; notable for showing her still sore the next morning

    8. “Across the Wide Missouri” — Clark Gable’s squaw declines to admit their relationship and gets taken across his wide lap

    7. “Wagon Train: The Maggie Hamilton Story” — Robert Horton tames a spoiled Susan Oliver; Horton was a major sex symbol at the time, so it must have set feminine hearts a-fluttering

    6. “La Fessee” — one ep in a trilogy; the mistress demands that a servant girl be whipped on her bare bottom and enjoys it entirely too much; the servants then get up a conspiracy which results in the mistress getting the same thing — which they enjoy entirely too much

    5. “Love Crimes” (Unrated version) — Sean Young sets out to bust Patrick Bergin and gets her britches walloped for her trouble

    4. “Secretary” — at last, a film that looks, even if only light-heartedly, at the dynamics of an S/M relationship

    3. “Roots of Heaven” — we don’t actually see anything, probably because it was bare, but a splendid depiction of the humbling of a haughty aristocrat

    2. “Blue Hawaii” — how Elvis should be remembered

    1. “McLintock!” — except I hold out for the Maureen O’Hara scene, if only because that’s the one that lit my fire so many years ago; nothing like seeing such arrogance brought low

  2. Great top ten JS!

    So good it seems a shame to have it hidden away in the comments to an old post. Thought I’d dress it up with a few pics, links etc. and make a separate post out of it if that’s ok. I think it will be popular with readers as most will know you by now as a bit of an authority on the subject and I’m sure they’ll be interested to discover your personal tastes.

    I was sent another list today so it looks like we could have a little series developing. Thought I might ask Dan N to do one,


  3. Many thanks, js666, for listing your “Top Ten” favorite spanking scenes from mainstream films and TV.

    I agree with most of them, but two (2) don’t “make my cut” for reasons that you may or may not agree with.

    First, I consider “The Roots of Heaven” (1958) one of the cruelest frauds ever perpetrated on the spanko public. The scene is given the most elaborate buildup, but instead of paying off, we see a “spanking” in which NOT ONE swat lands on its target! It’s all just cinema fakery. There is no spanking at all.

    Second, “Juke Joint” (1947) shows us a woman spanking another woman… but they could be anybody. They are supposed to be mother and daughter, but since the entire scene is glimpsed through a keyhole, it’s obvious that body doubles were used.

    Here are my Top Ten:

    10. “La Sculacciata” (Italy, 1974)
    Carlo (Antonio Salines) and Elena (Sydne Rome) are young newlyweds. Although they are very much in love, Carlo finds one day that he has lost his virility. The couple try desperately to re-ignite his passion, and one of the techniques they resort to is a spanking – literally, “la sculacciata.” The resulting spanking is one of the most thorough, and realistic, ever seen on a big screen. And, since the film is European, there was no objection to Elena’s bottom being completely bare.

    9. “Poeten og Lillemor og Lotte” (Denmark, 1960)
    Also known as “Danish Beauty Queen,” this films tells the story of a baker (Dirch Passer) and his young wife (Judy Gringer). She is lovely, but ineligible to enter the big beauty contest because she is married… and, now bitter, she takes it out on her husband, calling him a failure, a loser, and other names. He hauls her over his knee, pulls up her skirt, and whales away at her gorgeous backside. We see about 18 swats land on her lovely posterior.

    8. “The Naughty Flirt” (First National, 1931)
    Paul Page, as an up-and-coming attorney, catches his date (Alice White) in a malicious lie, turns her over his knee, and spanks her soundly. Almost better than the spanking itself is the ensuing shot, where we see Alice tenderly caressing her bruised backside.

    7. “Taming the Wild” (Victory Films, 1936)
    Rod LaRocque spanks Maxine Doyle over his knee with a wooden hairbrush, about eleven smacks. This one is so realistic, it makes the viewer want to say “ouch!” We don’t see the hairbrush used much, in mainstream films.

    6. “Love Crimes” (Miramax Films, 1992)
    Patrick Bergin spanks the very game Sean Young, in a scene that looks very real. He puts her over his knee and whales away for about 23 smacks. Ms. Young’s acting skills really sell this scene, as she hollers loudly, but in vain.

    5. “Weeds” (Showtime TV, 2008)
    As startling as it seems, the 21st century has brought us one of the all-time great spanking scenes. In an episode entitled “Yes I Can,” Mary-Louise Parker is pulled over the knee of Mexican actor Demian Bichir; and then HER SKIRT IS PULLED UP – never expected that, did we? And she receives a sound spanking on her brief black panties. Twenty-one swats are seen to land.

    4. “Blue Hawaii” (Hal B. Wallis, 1961)
    This one seems to be on everyone’s list. Teen heartthrob Elvis Presley puts Jenny Maxwell over his knee and spanks her soundly.

    3. “McLintock!” (Batjac Productions, 1963)
    John Wayne spanks Maureen O’Hara, after one of the most clever build-ups ever filmed. After a long chase, the Duke finally catches Maureen, puts her over his knee, and spanks her in front of maybe a hundred cheering witnesses. This scene, called the touchstone of our hobby by some, might have made Number One on my list but for two things: its brevity – only six (6) swats are seen to land; and the small coal shovel the Duke used for the spanking. He should have used his strong right hand.

    2. “Frontier Gal” (Universal, 1945)
    Rod Cameron gives the luscious Yvonne DeCarlo one of the most honest over-the-knee handspankings these old eyes have ever seen. Mr. Cameron doesn’t play games, he doesn’t pull his punches, he just whales away at Yvonne’s gorgeous bottom until she gets the message. And it’s in glorious Technicolor!

    1. “She Wrote the Book” (Universal, 1946)
    Number One on my list is still the champ, after more than sixty (60) years. Kirby Grant gives Joan Davis a solid hand spanking over his knee, and like the No. 2 scene, it doesn’t look as if Mr. Grant pulled his punches. Every swat lands hard and solidly, and Ms. Davis’ reactions are pure gold. This one may not be on everyone’s list, since it has never been released on VHS or DVD, and it never seems to play on television. But those who have seen it can tell you, this spanking is the real deal.


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