Category Archives: Events

Remembering Murray Roberts

worms-head-gower 550 Michael has sent me a message with sad news from a wild and beautiful corner of the British Isles – home to one of the founding fathers of This Thing That We Do:

Hello Valdor, I’ve got some sad news I’m afraid. I’ve just had a phone call from Gower. Murray has died. He hadn’t been well for a long time. He was a lovely fellow; I’d known him for over 40 years. It was through the Janus Bookshop initially, when as a youngster I read its Collectors Corner, something of a forerunner of your marvellous site here.

I told them I’d like to talk with whoever put the Corner together, and he got in touch with me. We stayed in touch ever after – even when he left London (where he had worked though he actually lived in Herts then) I’d go down to Gower to stay with him, particularly latterly when joining his wife to go on the long trip to Australia to see their daughter was getting beyond him.

Latterly too he let me drive his car which was getting a bit beyond him. The previous summer there had been an incident with some sheep when he was driving me from Swansea Station across the moors-LOL. He was a real pioneer in the collection of spanking memorabilia, and a tireless researcher for new material. We spankos all owe him a lot.

He had one or two colleagues in America but on this side of the pond Murray Roberts was the first to record and share mainstream spankings. His seminal Collector’s Corner in Janus was avidly followed by a generation of up and coming spankos including yours truly. I never met him myself but, since starting this blog, I have been contacted by many readers who did know him personally and he will be much missed. He first approached me with the idea of submitting some novel extracts to the Spank Statement and the Library of Murray Roberts series was born. It ran for 3 years from 2009 – 2012. He was a huge fan of Kiss Me Kate and researched many pictures from that musical, and in 2011 he wrote a guest post on the subject. He also supplied rare movie clips to both the Spank Statement and Chross even though his lack of computer skills made this very difficult for him. In October 2010 the Spank Statement posted Murray’s personal list of all time favourite movie spankings. Murray was in his mid 80s and he kept up his interest right to the end. I know he made arrangements to preserve his huge collection of spanking memorabilia. Looking back, I last heard from him in September 2014 when he told me that, despite poor health, he was very much enjoying Harry’s theater series of posts. The view in the picture is one that Murray would have known and loved. As Michael says in his message, we all owe him a lot and I’m sure you will want to join me in paying tribute to the life and work of Murray Roberts. We will always remember him.

Introducing Murray Roberts
Kiss me Kate by Murray Roberts
Reader’s Top Tens – Murray Roberts
From the Library of Murray Roberts
Eloge de la Fessee by Jacques Serguine

Time Out or Spanking?


Click on the image to read a page from Time Out, the London listings magazine. It’s a feature about sex salons held at upmarket lingerie boutique Coco de Mer in Covent Garden. The blonde lady being spanked with a ruler is Nichi Hodgon – “a 28-year-old journalist, card-carrying feminist, and occasional sexual submissive.” Her website, where I found the picture below, explains that:

Drawing on her experience as a professional dominatrix and a personal ‘switch’ and submissive, Nichi creates an intimate, relaxed atmosphere in which she shares sensual sexual knowledge and tips, and demonstrates how to use a wide array of sex toys, S and M props and domestic objects alike to enhance your pleasure in the bedroom.


The domme in both pictures is Coco de Mer’s Allison England who featured in these previously posted tv clips. According to the Time Out article. Allison went over Nichi’s lap for “quite a walloping” in the shop window!?? Note too the nice pair of green silk assless panties in the bottom right corner.

Nichi Hodgson has written about sexual politics for The Guardian and Huffington Post amongst other websites, and recently released a BDSM flavoured memoir called Bound To You. One interesting example of her journalism poses the question “How realistic is the S&M in 50 Shades of Grey?

Personally, I prefer a partner to use their hands to chastise me and find looking up at someone I adore as I anticipate their slap across my cheek unbearably erotic.

In this piece for The New Statesman, she denounces the hypocrisy of The Sun newspaper which sent a photographer to one of the Coco de Mer sessions, but didn’t use any of the pictures because they were deemed “too racy”.

No Pants Subway Ride

Subway a 4

The annual No Pants Subway Ride, is organized by the New York City collective Improv Everywhere. Participants are supposed to act as if there is nothing strange as they enter a subway car without pants in the middle of winter. If asked, they claim that they simply “forgot” their pants.

It all started as a small prank with seven guys and has grown into an international celebration, with dozens of cities around the world taking part each January. Breaking a social taboo and seeing the reaction of people not aware of the event generally makes it fun for participants and photographers alike.

So let Harry be your guide as he takes you down in the subway on No Pants Ride day and brings you the highlights from the past few years of the event:

Subway 12 e Subway 11 a Subway 12 a

Some of the most enjoyable images show the participants in everyday underwear as they are going about their everyday business. This is in the spirit of the instructions for the event: riders are asked not to wear comedy underwear which indicates that they are taking part in a prank.

Subway not bot 1 Subway a 1

Subway not bot 2 Subway a 6

In practice there are a lot of slogans plastered across pert rears which are obviously meant to be seen and, in the case of the girl in the purple panties below, impossible to argue with!

Subway 12 c3

The undies worn by the ladies in this group are less attention-seeking and a nice range of colours and modern styles are on display.

Subway 12 b Subway 12 d

Subway a 2 Subway a 3

Occasionally there’s even more to be seen, though the
organizers do ask riders to avoid excessive exhibitionism. (Thongs are specifically banned.)

Subway bare Subway bare 1

The event has a spin off too in the shape of its summer time cousin, the New York Underwear Run.

Underwear Run 1 Underwear Run 2

And just occasionally, there’s a bit of bottom smacking involved. The girl with the Cookie Monster panties has a very nice bottom.

Subway spnk a 1 Subway spnk a 2

And before the day is out, that bottom is going to be smacked.

Subway spnk a 3

And here’s a paddling, though with a singularly unsuitable instrument of punishment!

Subway pdl 1 Subway pdl 2

But at least it seems to have made some kind of an impact on its target…

Subway pdl 3 Subway pdl 4

At the end of the journey pants are hastily pulled on and normal decorum is restored.

‘Thank goodness I’ve got through the No Pants Subway Ride without anyone photographing my bottom!’

Inna Horizontal Position

Faithful followers of The Spank Statement will know Harry and remember with great fondness his two brilliantly researched and ground-breaking pieces on the November 2009 FEMEN protest in Kiev. (See top menu for links if you haven’t read them yet)

The bad news is there won’t be a third part this year, but Harry has been in touch to assure me that he is still following the activities of the FEMEN group and that:

The FEMEN girls are currently in Western Europe: they did a French maid stunt in Paris yesterday. (Maybe they will come to London and do a vice anglais show…?) You may also like the attached which is from this year’s annual July protest against the fact that all hot water in Kiev is turned off in the summer: their response is to wash themselves in the public fountains.

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The girl being scrubbed is Inna Shevchenko, Alexandra’s sister. She didn’t get involved in FEMEN until after the 2009 spanking protest, so we haven’t seen her in an even more appealing horizontal position!

The French maid stunt was a protest against Dominique Strauss Kahn and they performed it on the footsteps of his Paris home. The girls named the event “La France, sors, déshabille-toi et gagne!”, which means “France, go out, take off your clothes and win!”.

french maids

You can see a gallery of pictures showing what they got up to during the protest here.

Bottom Blushers

A recent exhibition at an East London gallery featured what are quite possibly the world’s first spanking PROSTHETICS!

bottomblushers 002

Arising from the point at which fetish meets art culture, GOD SPANK THE QUEEN was an interactive exhibition of photography, illustration and installation created by the British print designer and artist Bert Gilbert. With influences ranging from Monty Python to Marilyn Manson her work is described as:

Exploring anatomy, deformity and botany, making a collection of curiosities, whose horrible beauty and childlike interpretation transforms pain and trauma into installations and objects revealing a macabre and cathartic sense of humour.


The exhibits displayed here are known as Bottom Blushers and were commissioned by Sam Roddick, owner of the erotic emporium Coco de Mer. Available in both open and cup handed versions, they take the concept of designer spanking paddles to a whole new level. The smaller ones on the right of the picture are called Little Spankers.

The show also featured photography by Nathan Gallagher who contributed a couple of atmospheric sepia tinged shots of the bottom blushers being put to good use.

bottomblushers 003 bottomblushers 004

Photos from last November’s event reveal that there was a “spanking post” – presumably the interactive element of the exhibition. I haven’t come across any pictures of visitors being spanked at the post, just this shot of a model who is clearly poised and ready for action.

bottomblushers 0061

I did find a good picture from the after show party though. I believe the woman in the pink uniform who is “applying some blusher” is Bert Gilbert herself.

bottomblushers 001

The poster doesn’t gain many marks for originality and I’m not too convinced by how effective the bottom blushers would be as spanking implements but I do like the name. “You’ve been very naughty. Go and fetch the bottom blusher!” certainly has a nice ring to it.


God Spank The Queen

FEMEN Protest: Corrections and Updates


If you thought that Harry’s highly praised piece on last year’s FEMEN protest was the final and definitive word on the subject, then think again…

It is now twelve months since FEMEN’s spanking protest in Kiev against sexual harassment in education. When I wrote about it at length last year, there were many things I didn’t know and a few things I misunderstood. Now I can set the record straight…

F 01

A-Ta-Ta, the title of the performance, actually means spanking in Russian baby-talk.

The Cast

I now know the names of two more girls in the performance. They were the fourth and fifth in the queue for spanking and I nicknamed them the Lady and Lips, after the pictures on their panties. The Lady’s real name is Oksana Shachko. Here she is in a recent bare-bottomed protest against the scarcity of public toilets in Kiev.

F 01aF 01bF 01c

F 01eF 01fF 01g

Lips is actually Nastia Magonova, who was later ostracized by her family after she was publicly ‘crucified’ in an Easter protest against church patriarchy.

It has been reported in the Ukrainian press that some of the FEMEN girls were actresses, not activists. The majority of the girls have been spotted in other FEMEN actions before or since, but four of them seem to have been only in this one performance, so they are the likeliest candidates: Yellow, Red, Mouse and Big Boots.

The Costumes

Alexandra Shevchenko braided her hair especially for the performance, to make herself look more student-like.

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Olesja’s outfit is not a maid’s costume: it’s a Russian school uniform.


Big Boots turned up wearing jeans and had to change into her skirt and costume panties in public. (Skirt on, jeans off, panties on…)

The color of the FEMEN movement is pink, so most of the girls are wearing something pink: a necktie (Alexandra), a dress (Kristina), a watch and nail varnish (Olesja), a wristband (Big Boots), shoes (Nastia), pantyhose (Nastia) and panties (Kristina, Oksana, Nastia; and Stockings’ white panties have a pink waistband). Yellow has decorated one of her trainers with an anarchy symbol using the same pink paint as the protest banners. Three girls are ‘out of uniform’: Red, Smiley and Mouse, though Smiley’s bag (unlike herself) has bright pink cheeks.

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The Panties

Alexandra is the only one wearing what I’d call proper girls’ panties, with the lace edging that differentiates them from shorts or bikini bottoms. Top marks to her also for the pattern, and the absence of a slogan – they are a private garment, unlike six of the other girls, whose panties are evidently designed for people to read.

Bottom marks to Alexandra for wearing a second pair underneath, but (contrary to suggestions elsewhere) they don’t give her any extra protection, because on very close inspection it turns out that the pair you can’t see turn out to be a thong. (Bottom marks again..)


(Sorry this thumbnail isn’t clickable at the moment)

I mistakenly said that Oksana is wearing two pairs of white panties, one on top of the other. In fact she is only wearing one pair, and they are pale pink with a white waistband. Far from going for extra coverage, she doesn’t have quite enough: the top of her bottom cleft is visible while she is being spanked. (Stockings has the same problem.)

(140znF 04

Big Boots’ panties read, in English, ‘It’s Fun to be Girl Shape’. It’s far from certain that the girl shaped part underneath is having fun during the spanking, but maybe she doesn’t speak English that well. (Remember that she’s wearing her ‘Friday’ panties on a Monday…)

F 06F 07

Red is wearing a blue bra and black panties. It remains a disappointment that we don’t get to see the latter exposed and upended. Mouse is wearing her own white panties underneath the red ones which are part of her costume.

The spankings

Alexandra is already across the Dean’s knee and about to be spanked when she realizes she has forgotten her books. That’s why her skirt is already raised when she goes to retrieve the books. One of them is about the theory of statistics, but the other is a cookery book about peppers, so she must be doing a strange combination of majors! She then forgets the books again before her second spanking – what a naughty girl!


During her spanking, Olesja turns her book over so that it’s upside down – and then turns it right side up again. So she hasn’t been assessed on her reading skills…



Alexandra did not raise her own skirt before going over the Professor’s knee, as I previously speculated; it was the Professor himself who did it.

F 05

However, another speculation was right: Nastia does indeed get her second spanking directly on her pink panties. The motto on them translates as ‘The Higher the Love, the Lower the Kisses’.

While the Dean is spanking Yellow, Stockings (in the queue) says something cheeky to him, and he wags an admonitory finger. Evidently he’s saying something like ‘Just you wait. In a few minutes it’ll be you here across my knee!’

You’ll remember that Big Boots really, really doesn’t want to be spanked. She tries it on by sitting on the Dean’s lap, but he’s not having any of it and orders her across his knee.

When Nastia moves on from the Rector to the Professor, she presents herself to his left as if to be put across his knee, so clearly she is expecting a third spanking. In the end, of course, she does her third test perched on his knee, just like Big Boots was hoping for, but there’s still no photographic evidence to show how she escapes the spanking or how Red gets in on the examination.

Smiley does her examination (in Physics) sitting on the Rector’s knee rather than across it. As she gets up at the end, he pulls up her skirt, sees that her bottom is effectively bare, and gives her a smack on it. She leans across him, but apparently he opts not to pull her down across his lap, for reasons unknown. Five seconds later she’s retrieving her smiley bag, and probably very relieved to have escaped the bare bottom spanking she was about to receive.

In the final bundle, the Dean tries to spank Yellow as well as Olesja, and raises her skirt to do so.

F 08

The uproarious laughter heard on the video soundtrack doesn’t come from someone in the crowd, as I said. It’s actually the Professor laughing.

Alexandra isn’t ‘carrying on’ like a spanked girl as I suggested: she’s leading the girls in a collective chant of ‘No to the Institute of Prostitution’.

The Aftermath

Before going to see the Minister with her bottom exposed, Alexandra thought to check her panties and was perturbed to find that her own underwear was showing over the waistband of the heart pattern pair which was part of her costume. Oksana helped her to straighten out her rear view before the all important interview.

Reporting the protest gave journalists worldwide plenty opportunity for puns, but this example from a Hong Kong paper takes the prize:

A Ukrainian women’s group says the lesson being delivered in front of the education ministry in Kiev is a slap for authorities, who are failed for turning the other cheek when hit by harassment claims from female students rather than getting to the bottom of them. Main targets of the spanking team are male professors at colleges, said to be in a class of their own for leaving no marks when some girls face exams.

F 09

A few weeks after the performance, FEMEN had a shoot commemorating their various protest actions of 2009. Kristina dressed up in a version of her ‘A-Ta-Ta’ outfit and showed her bottom to the camera again. This time she wore heels rather than boots and a different, slightly briefer pair of panties. But the crucial difference was that there was no Rector to spank her…

FEMEN Update

FEMEN have continued to protest a range of issues in the streets of Kiev. The possibility that the Euro 2012 championship might be used as an opportunity for sex tourism and prostitution was highlighted in a mock football match in subzero temperatures. The players included five girls from the spanking protest.

F 10F 11

F 12F 13

During the Ukrainian presidential election campaign, they handled corruption by stopping motorists and offering to buy their votes in what they called a ‘Sexit Poll’.

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There was even a memorable moment when one driver misunderstood and drove off with Alexandra’s bottom half stuck in his car window!

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F 21F 22

A more frivolous cause for protest was the Ukrainian Olympic team’s failure to win even a single medal, which was commemorated with ‘Cows on Ice’, a farcical display of winter sports on an ice rink.

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F 28

Since the elections in February returned a more oppressive, less Western government, FEMEN’s activities have been more centered on feminist issues in domestic politics, and they have been arrested more often – usually under statutes prohibiting public nudity.

F 29F 30

Worldwide, however, A-Ta-Ta remains their most distinctive and best known protest action.

F 31

Let’s hope for a repeat performance!

The Bare Bottomed Cheerleader’s Revenge

A team of models dressed as cheerleaders spelt out the message “BT? Fast broadband? My arse!” on their bare bottoms in central London today. The cheeky publicity stunt by Virgin Media took place in full view of the BT Tower.

virginmediamoon 003

According to Virgin, it was “simply a humorous way to get across a serious message – that customers should demand what they are being promised from their internet providers”.

It’s not the first time that Richard Branson’s company has resorted to ass-vertising. The picture below was taken at this summer’s V Festival:


AddThis Social Bookmark Button

Femen: Marking Bottoms

Recreating a remarkable and unique event which took place exactly one month ago, this special bumper Spank Statement was written and researched by Harry and edited by Valdor. The 255 images are hosted by Imageshack.

On a chilly mid-November Monday in 2009, a group of pretty girl students were publicly spanked by three ‘teachers’ in front of the Ministry of Education in Kiev.

The spankings were announced in the local press the Friday before, 13 November, so a heavy press presence was guaranteed. It was all a performance entitled A-ta-ta, laid on by the Ukrainian women’s group FEMEN as part of a protest demonstration. Founded in 2008, FEMEN has a growing reputation for mounting creative, distinctive and sexually provocative ‘actions’ to draw attention to political causes ranging from sex tourism to postponed elections. The focus of A-ta-ta was sexual harassment in universities.

This was a complex piece of street theater with a cast of fourteen, whose acting was commended by those who were present. The performance lasted just over ten minutes, and most of that was spanking. In fact, there were nineteen spankings in the course of the show, many of them taking place simultaneously, so it would have been hard to know where to look! Fortunately for us, there were also a lot of cameras, so many moments have been captured for us to enjoy at leisure.

With eleven girls to keep track of, the first thing we need to do is establish our cast of characters. So, ladies first, in order of appearance.

First up we have Alexandra Shevchenko, wearing high red boots and a traditional Ukrainian flower garland. She is one of the leaders of the FEMEN movement, and the one who fronts most of the demonstrations. She is certainly the star of this particular show, as we’ll see… Her placard, incidentally, translates as Oral sex for a pass-fail.

The next girl on the list is Kristina Novitskaya, a blonde in pink with a FEMEN logo drawn on her panties. Her placard reads Institute of Prostitution.

Next up is a girl in maid’s uniform named Olesja, though I haven’t discovered her surname.’

I haven’t been able to put names to the other eight girls, so we’re going to have to use nicknames instead. We shall call the fourth girl the Lady. Why? You’ll see when she gets spanked: her panties feature a picture of a lady in a red dress. Her placard says: Why in the mouth?

The next girl, seen here with Kristina, wears a denim skirt and bright pink panties with a design representing two smiling mouths – so let’s call her Lips.

Those first five girls are all regulars from FEMEN’s previous demonstrations. The other six seem to be newer recruits to the movement. The first of them, seen here behind the Lady, is another girl we shall have to name after her panties: Yellow. Her placard says Grading bottoms – but an apter translation might refer to something beyond academic grades: Marking bottoms.

The next girl is, for me, another of the stars: it’s a real treat to see her get spanked. She wears a plaid schoolgirl skirt and white panties, but we are going to call her Big Boots. By the time these two photos were snapped, she has taken the Institute of Prostitution placard that Kristina was carrying earlier.

The next girl is Smiley, nicknamed after the design on the bag she usually carries. Here she is on the left.

Behind Smiley in that last picture is Stockings. The reason for her nickname will again become apparent when her skirt is raised for her spanking. Her placard, with a FEMEN logo around the border, translates as Ukraine is not a brothel, which is the name of FEMEN’s ongoing campaign against sex tourism.

Another girl in a schoolgirl skirt next. If we were going to nickname her after her panties, she would have to be Cows, but let’s not be ungallant: we’ll call her Mouse instead.

Finally we have Red, named for her hair and seen on the left here carrying the Ukraine is not a brothel placard.

It’s exciting to be introduced to eleven girls knowing that very soon you’re going to see them get spanked, but first let’s spare a moment to acquaint ourselves with the three teachers who will be spanking them. We don’t need to give them nicknames: their identities are spelled out on the back of their chairs. Going from right to left (as they face us):

  • The Dean, in the red shirt. Probably the most efficient spanker of the three, you’ll see him raising his hand high for maximum impact. He’s also the only one to make consistent use of his non-spanking hand to hold the girl down.
  • The Rector, in the hat. He is working under a disadvantage: his right hand is injured and in bandages. But don’t get complacent, girls, because that’s a belt over the side of his chair…
  • The Professor, in the trainers. He too has a disadvantage: he is clearly right-handed, but the staging of the scene requires him mainly to spank with his left. But he is also probably the least committed spanker of the three: at least, we’ll see him move on to other things as the performance goes on…

As with any performance, many things must be prepared: the girls have to get into costume, do their hair, ensure their panties are snug…

These girls are going to be taking an exam – with a difference! So a little last-minute studying might be a good idea too…

It’s time. The first three girls present themselves to their examiners.

But the girls aren’t going to be taking the exams in the conventional way. As they get into position, it is clear that their book-learning will not be the only thing they’ll be using to please their teachers…

The Maid is now on the Professor’s lap, Kristina is preparing to go down on the Rector, and God only knows what the Dean thinks he’s doing to Alexandra – though he does have the chance to land a few smacks on the seat of her prettily patterned panties.

The wind blows Kristina’s skirt inside out.

The Maid isn’t enjoying her Geography exam. (It’s a book about the Ukraine.)

But the Rector seems to be enjoying testing Kristina on her Philosophy.

Alexandra tries to concentrate on her exam, despite the fact that the Dean’s fingers are creeping where they shouldn’t…

… not to mention her precarious position!

Better adjust your balance a little, Alexandra!

Stage One of the exam is over. The Rector gives Kristina a pat on the cheek as he releases her. But it will be the first of many…

And now for Stage 2, when the girls are going to be (as one Russian language blog piquantly put it) ‘beaten on their soft parts’. In plain English, the examiners are going to spank them!

The Professor warms his hands, then holds the Maid’s book while she lowers herself across his knee. The Rector hands Kristina hers, and Alexandra, her skirt already adjusted for what is to come, retrieves her two books from the ground.

There’s a problem. With the three chairs in an even row, there isn’t room for three horizontal girls. So Alexandra directs the Rector to move back a few feet, allowing Kristina to get into position. Then she herself goes across the Dean’s knee.

For the girls, it’s still part of their examination, so they try to keep their minds on their books – though it seems as if Alexandra for one finds the spanking rather a distraction!

I said before that, with a line-up of three pretty girls being simultaneously spanked, it’s hard to know where to look. So let’s try concentrating on them one at a time.

One thing that’s impressive about Alexandra is her total commitment to the spanking scenario. She’s completely across the Dean’s lap with no chance at all of escaping until he lets her go free.

As the Dean spanks away, a television sound man slides a microphone along the ground behind her, getting as close to the spanking as he dares in the hope of getting a good, crisp recording of the impact!

Look carefully at the next two pictures and you may notice two things. It’s the middle of November, but Alexandra is one of a minority of the girls who have braved the climate with bare legs. (Most of them are wearing pantyhose.) As one Ukrainian blogger quipped, at least there’s one part of them that will be warm!

Look closer still and you’ll also see that she’s wearing TWO pairs of panties. We’ll see further evidence of this with some of the other girls. The reason is that this is a theatrical performance: the heart patterned panties are part of her costume, and she has her own panties on underneath.

Can you tear your eyes away? Don’t worry, we’ll see more of Alexandra later. But it’s time now to pan left, and pay attention to Kristina.

Kristina isn’t one of FEMEN’s barelegged brigade: look at her waist and you’ll see the top of her pantyhose.

And how does Kristina feel about being spanked – and about the camera taking her closeup?

How she feels about it is immaterial, of course! The Rector lifts her skirt out of the way and gets to work with a will…

Now let’s move right again to see how the Maid is doing in her session with the Professor.

She’s luckier than her comrades, because the Professor opts not to raise her skirt. But at the moment she has a hard time counting her blessings! Her yells were so impressive that one of the television companies covering the performance used them as the soundtrack over footage of a different spanking altogether!!

Back to Alexandra now. She raises a finger, seen here from three angles. Has she had a new idea for the exam, or is she signalling the end of the first round?

So the three spanked girls are released and the Maid makes her exit. But it’s not over yet for the others! Alexandra crosses to the Rector and directs Kristina over to the Professor. Meanwhile, one of the things you haven’t yet seen is the queue of girls to the right, all waiting their turn for the exam. The Lady is next in line and she takes her place across the Dean’s knee. Lips and Yellow are to follow her, then Big Boots (obscured in this picture) and Smiley.

There must have been at least twenty photographers covering the event, though their work is hard to trace. In the above picture, the three to notice are the two video cameramen and the gray-haired man in the center. Thanks to them, we can see the next moment from several different angles.

The Dean is already at work on the Lady, and the Professor is settling Kristina into place. Alexandra flips up her skirt and lowers herself into position across the Rector’s knee. He gives her a light little fusillade and she slips out of role to give him a smile.

So it’s back to the spanking lineup. The girls have moved across right to left, so that Alexandra and Kristina are getting their second spankings – and Alexandra in particular seems to be rather uncomfortable!

So here’s the Lady, with bare legs and white panties. The Dean starts out with some conventional one-handed spanking, but then tries a two-handed ‘patty-cake’ style. And in the background, look at the impact the Rector is making on Alexandra’s ‘soft part’.

Let’s pan left for a closer look at Alexandra.

One thing that’s important to Alexandra is that the spanking should be obviously nonconsensual. She wants the cameramen to see her distress and her howls of protest. So it’s a little problematic that she’s also directing the show, and has to keep breaking out of her character to talk to the actor spanking her…

Now we move across once more to look at what Kristina’s suffering at the hands of the Professor.

One of the Professor’s spanking habits is starting to become obvious. Kristina’s skirt is so short that, in her right-angled position over his knee, her panties are going to show… but the Professor has decided against exposing them further, and, like the Maid, she gets spanked on her skirt.

This second round of spankings is coming to an end, and the girls are being released. In the background of the left picture, you can see Alexandra starting to get down from the Rector’s knee, with her right foot at last making contact with the ground. But in the foreground, the Professor seems to have something to say to Kristina as she rises. So when Alexandra moves across for her turn, there’s a delay: the Professor is still busy with Kristina while, in the background, you can just see the Lady as she presents herself to the Rector.

Is the Prof inspecting Kristina’s fingernails, or are those five fingers the grade he’s giving her? (In the Ukrainian system, a 5 is the equivalent of an A.) Either way, it leaves Alexandra momentarily stuck in traffic…

Back at the other end of the row, the Dean already has Lips over his knee, and is in the act of pulling up her short denim skirt as, in the background, the Lady lowers herself into position for her turn with the Rector.

Here’s the new lineup, and for the first and only time we get a hat-trick of panty spankings!

I like the spanker to be in complete physical control, so personally I don’t rate the way Lips lies in position, with her red high heels firmly planted on the ground. Others may like the way it elevates her bottom to be spanked. One thing this shows is that Lips is another of the girls wearing two pairs of panties, the pink ones for display and spanking, and her own mauve ones underneath.

Moving across, the Lady’s getting her second spanking of the day…

The Rector does his job with enthusiasm, and the closeup shows clearly how the Lady gets her nickname. Again, forensic scrutiny reveals a second pair of panties, but it’s harder to see because the Lady is evidently a girl who favors white all the way…

The only remaining mystery concerning Alexandra’s panties is why the Professor has broken with his usual habit and is spanking her on them. But in view of what we have already seen, maybe Alexandra gave him no choice…

One thing that started to attract the photographers’ attention about now was the line of girls to the left, all waiting in the anxious knowledge that very soon they will be the ones getting spanked. In the second picture, Yellow surreptitiously tugs her panties up tight, ready for what is about to happen. And out of all of them it is Big Boots who seems to pay most attention to her book. Is she doing some last-minute revision in the hope that it might save her?

For the Lady and Lips, this round of the examination is over, and they are set on their feet. Lips adjusts her skirt, though it won’t be staying down for long. But look to the right of the picture. Alexandra started late, so she’s still howling and kicking…

We now move on a few moments.

Alexandra has been released, and she and Kristina have gone across to the line and broken out their placards for the next phase of the demo. Yellow and Lips are now firmly across the respective knees of the Dean and Rector, but the Professor is running late after his little chat with Kristina, so he is only just settling the Lady into position.

And they’re off! Big Boots looks apprehensive as Yellow, helplessly over the Dean’s lap, starts to get her bottom spanked. And that really looks like an extra-sound spanking!

And here it is in closeup, which also shows how she’s put her pantyhose on over her panties. The slogan, incidentally, translates as I want to get married, or just…

Nobody seems to have taken any photos directly showing the Rector spanking Lips, though it’s clear that she is getting a second dose on the seat of her pink panties, and that she continues to adopt the feet-on-ground mode. So we pass straight across to the Professor and the Lady.

He’s gone back to his usual habit of spanking on the skirt. Maybe that’s why the Lady doesn’t look too unhappy about it…

Here’s something that makes her unhappy, though. With the spanking coming to an end, the sleazeball tries to force her to kiss him…

Now it’s the moment that Big Boots has been dreading, when all her studying fails to save her from being soundly spanked. So soundly that, as the video footage shows, her whole body bucks when the Dean lands a solid smack across her white panties.

And that’s through three layers: panties, pantyhose, and her own white panties too. Look closely and you’ll see that they are ‘days of the week’ panties, and that she’s wearing the wrong day: it reads ‘Friday’ (in western script), but the ‘action’ took place on a Monday. Not a language student, then, Big Boots…

Moving on, here’s the Rector giving Yellow her second spanking…

… but what’s that pesky Professor up to? He seems to have decided on a completely new method of examination! And what’s more, Red seems to have jumped the queue to join in. In the background, Yellow is still getting the more traditional treatment from the Rector.

From this point on, the performance becomes harder to reconstruct. Partly this is because the Professor has now broken the neat cycle of successive spankings, so that what happens next is harder to predict. But the main reason is that the cameramen’s attention is now going elsewhere: they are photographing the demonstration in the background, so they take fewer pictures of the spankings.

That’s a pity, because there are still five more spankings to go after the Dean finishes with Big Boots. In the foreground you can see Mouse, Stockings and Smiley waiting their turn. Just don’t expect to see too much of them…

The Rector has now finished with Yellow, and he releases her. But the Professor’s lap is still occupied with Lips and Red, so Yellow walks on by, spared the anticipated third spanking.

Lips is released, but the Professor still needs a final word or two with Red. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to involve turning her horizontal… In the background, Smiley is presenting herself to the Rector, bypassing the Dean who is presumably still spanking Big Boots.

Big Boots is now free and leapfrogs the Rector to go to the right. She chats with Lips while the Professor finishes off with Red. But why has the Rector not turned Smiley across his knee? Meanwhile the Dean has summoned Stockings, the last girl in line, and has begin to deal with her. On the far left of the picture we see that Yellow has picked up her placard and is about to join the demo. It looks as if that third spanking really has passed her by…

The spanking of Stockings seems to catch the photographers’ imagination, maybe because of the sudden appearance of stocking tops. Whatever the reason, the coverage temporarily improves, so we get not only a decent look at the day’s penultimate white panty spanking, but also some clues about what else is going on.

The Rector appears to have been very lenient with Smiley. From the sequence of the action in what photographs we have, it is clear that he doesn’t put her across his knee at all. He seems to have hitched up her polka dot skirt to give her a token smack on the bottom, which is nothing compared with the fullscale spanking Stockings is getting in the foreground. The reason for this may lie under her skirt. We shall see later that Smiley has come to her exam wearing only pantyhose and a thong…

While Stockings continues to get her first spanking, the Rector adjusts his hat and then summons Mouse. Smiley waits behind his chair for a moment, but the Professor is about to deal with Big Boots. With no other examiner free to see her, Smiley picks up her bag and makes her way off stage. Promisingly, Mouse presents herself to the Rector’s left…

Meanwhile, Big Boots bows low to the Professor, and he puts her across his knee.

But before we move on, look in the background of the right photograph. The Rector is about to spank Mouse, but she is resisting going over his lap with an arm around his neck. He is clearly adjusting her skirt… but that is all you’re going to see of this particular spanking! To the cameramen it was probably just one more spanking, the seventeenth of the day, and sadly, no photographs have been found to show how Mouse reacted when the Rector’s hand struck down hard across the seat of her red panties.

You’ll have noticed that the Professor is doing something a little different with Big Boots. So far, he has administered four lefthanded spankings, but now he has found his true self as a righthander. And there’s more: he tries to raise her skirt, though she seems to be trying to stop him by holding the hem down.

It looks as if he wins, because in the video footage showing her being released after the spanking, he seems to set her skirt straight before he lets her up.

By now, the Rector has already finished with Mouse: with the Professor still spanking Big Boots, she presumably just goes to join the demo, where we next catch sight of her. The Dean too is finished with Stockings, and she adjusts her skirt as she walks resolutely over to her date with the Rector.

Things are winding down now, with most of the girls chanting in the demo, and Stockings the only one being spanked. The Rector doesn’t even bother to lift her skirt. Unoccupied for the first time in the examination, the Dean looks back at the spanking with a smile on his face. The Professor just checks his watch…

But Stockings still has one more spanking to undergo, and the Professor gives it to her. It’s the nineteenth of the day!

So, the spanking leader board reads like this:

  • 1st Alexandra she got three spankings, all of them on her panties.
  • 2nd Lady, who also got three spankings, two on her panties and one on her skirt.
  • 3rd Stockings with three spankings, one on her panties and two on her skirt.
  • 4th= Lips, Yellow and Big Boots, who all got two spankings on their panties.
  • 7th Kristina with her two spankings, one on her panties and one on her skirt.
  • 8th Mouse is in eighth place. She got one spanking, apparently on her panties.
  • 9th Maid for her one spanking on her skirt.
  • 10th Smiley is in tenth place only because it appears that she did have her bottom smacked, even though she was never actually spanked across anyone’s knee.
  • And finally, Red doesn’t appear to have gotten spanked at all. Last place for her!

Despite that disappointment, it has been an impressive show by any standards. But it’s not over yet!

As the Professor releases Stockings, Alexandra presents herself to the Rector and lies down across his knee. It seems she is going to be spanked again – but this time with his bad hand!

With a waggle of her bottom, Kristina presents herself to the Professor. Meanwhile Smiley lowers herself across the Dean’s knee – but face up!

Down Kristina goes over the Professor’s knee, and he lands a preliminary smack on her bottom. But Big Boots puts herself into spanking position on top of Kristina. In the background, likewise, the Lady is facedown on top of Alexandra, and out of camera view Yellow makes herself the next tier on the Dean’s lap.

Another layer of girls builds up. Lips is on top of Big Boots, Red piles herself onto the Lady, and the Maid bends over Yellow. The Rector has managed to get the Lady’s skirt up, but he’s handicapped by the sheer volume of girls. Finally Stockings and Mouse lean over and the pileup is complete.

The Professor is almost completely incapacitated. The intended spanking of Kristina has been defeated by collective action: FEMEN power!

All he can do is give a few token smacks to the closest available bottoms, which belong to Stockings and Lips.

Panning across, the Lady is kicking her legs attractively, and a man in the crowd is laughing uproariously… but with no swing in his arm, the only damage the Rector can do to her exposed bottom is to pinch it.

Look at Alexandra. From the way she’s carrying on, you’d think she was being spanked – not that she’d just been rescued from a spanking by her FEMEN sisters!

Across again, and the Dean has managed to get the Maid’s skirt up, giving us our first proper sight of her big black panties.

With only three girls on top of him. he’s slightly less encumbered than his colleagues, so he manages to land a few smacks. No substitute for a proper spanking, but better than nothing in the circumstances!

And there we are. Three wicked teachers overwhelmed by a gang of pretty girls, their final spanking attempts reduced to near futility. With that, the theatrical event is coming to an end.

The girl bundles have to be dismantled now. Stockings and Mouse have got off the top. Red seizes the chance for a last bit of revenge on the Rector: she bites his hand. Maybe it’s to discourage him…

…because look at how the Professor tries his luck once the other girls are off Kristina’s back!

The spankers’ chairs are removed. The girls have taken the name cards off the back. ‘Dean’, ‘Rector’ and ‘Professor’ are torn into little pieces and thrown on the ground. The performance is over now, and it’s time for the politics to kick in…

Much of the internet and press reaction to the demo was predictable. Louts called the girls prostitutes and sniggered about taking teaching jobs in the Ukraine. Some speculated about how difficult it was to find volunteers to take part, and whether the girls got spanked harder than they had expected. The newspapers mainly treated it as an oddball ‘man bites dog’ story: in effect, ‘militant feminists spanked in support of women’s rights’. But it was a lot more sophisticated than that.

FEMEN evidently don’t subscribe to the joyless Andrea Dworkin school of feminism, which postulates that men demean and oppress women by looking at them with a sexual eye, and that erotic representations of women are the root cause of sexual abuse and rape. Those of us whose kink is nonconsensual spanking know just how silly that is. So do FEMEN. That’s why snide remarks about ‘trying to put out the fire with oil’ miss the mark.

Feminists will never force a fundamental change in men’s sexuality by wearing overalls and scowling. Instead, FEMEN actively celebrate femininity and use their own sexual attractiveness for positive political ends. It’s the sexiness as well as the originality of their protest ‘actions’ that helps get them noticed (the spanking protest in particular seems to have caught the media’s imagination), with the aim of raising awareness of the issues. And that means it’s time for a message from our benefactresses…

The A-ta-ta action came about after Vasily Mikhailov, the Rector of one of Kiev’s institutions of higher education, was jailed as a pedophile. The authorities insisted that this was a single, isolated case of sexual misconduct by a senior academic, but the FEMEN girls, many of whom are students, had grassroots knowledge to the contrary: there is a wider problem of sexual harassment by some teachers, and the victims are often too frightened and embarrassed to complain or go to the police, lest they be expelled or thrown out of student housing.

FEMEN’s demonstration was intended to call attention to the problem and demand action from the Ministry. The performance, purporting to show how pretty girls can pass their exams in the Ukraine, was a potent metaphor, not necessarily a literal enactment of the cause for complaint: teachers who demand sex for grades are abusing their students, so the spankings made a witty representation of both sides of the coin.

FEMEN were asking the Ministry to set up a formal investigation of the problem, establish an anonymous helpline for victims of abuse and automatically suspend academics from duty should they fall under suspicion. Back now to Kiev to see how they got on…

After shouting some more slogans, the girls attempt to force their way into the Ministry to deliver their demands in person to the Minister of Education. The redhead in jeans on the left is Anna Gutsol, FEMEN’s founder.

They weren’t allowed in, but eventually the Deputy Minister, Taras Finikov, came out, had an impassioned discussion with Alexandra and accepted a letter outlining their demands. This was about ten minutes after the spanking performance had ended.

The most piquant part of that discussion came when Alexandra insisted on showing him her bottom. ‘Look,’ she seems to be saying, ‘I’ve been spanked!’

In fact, bottoms were a center of attention all the way through the demonstration, not just while they were upturned for spanking. Look at the demo going on in the background and you’ll notice that Alexandra and Kristina began the protest with their skirts hitched up at the back, though Kristina’s flimsier pelmet managed to stay up for longer.

When it came to wrapping up at the end, the girls gave the photographers some last chances for pictures. Kristina ruefully fingers her spanked bottom.

She shows if off to the cameras, and the other girls get the idea. Lips brings her pink panties into view, and the Maid hitches her skirt up too. Even Red puts a rueful hand on her rear – even though it was never spanked!

Now Stockings and Smiley join in, and as Smiley’s skirt comes up, we see the likely reason why the Rector didn’t take her across his knee!

Finally Mouse comes on the scene, and the photographers get a lovely lineup of soundly spanked girls.

Last of all, Alexandra arrives, fresh from some television interviews, and she leads the girls in a conga line of spanked bottoms.

They were spanked in a very good cause. Students should be awarded grades in accordance with the quality of their academic work. If anyone awards or accepts a high grade for any other reason, they are cheating. The Maid’s placard reads: I am a 5+ student. Obviously she is – but only because the Professor got to spank her!

The realities of the system mean that a small minority of unscrupulous professors are able to blackmail their students over grades. With their proposals for an anonymous hotline and automatic suspension of suspects, FEMEN wants to alter the balance of power.

The risk is that this would create a corresponding opportunity for a small minority of unscrupulous students to blackmail their professors – so any new system also needs to have a safeguard against abuse. So if a student is found to have made a false accusation, maybe it would be appropriate for her to be publicly spanked in front of the Education Ministry…

The photographers whose work is presented here include: Sergey Anishchenko (Ukrinform), Mary Chernish (Mignews), Andriy Davis (Ukraine Business), Gleb Garanich (Reuters), Vladimir Gontar (Unian), Yuri Krivenko (Photokubik), Constantine Melnitsky (Photolenta), Valentin Ogirenko (Ukranews), Igor Pirozhik (Delfi), Taras Podolan (Gazeta), Taisii Stetsenko (Novynar), Sergei Supinsky (Getty/AFP), Andrey Umansky, Grigoriy Vasilenko (Visualrian).

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Desperate for a Spanking?

This has to be a first – a celebrity spanking her OWN look-a-likey. Nicolette Sheridan seems to find her Desperate Housewives character as spankable as the rest of us in those red shorts. Is she trying to give the scriptwriters some ideas?

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It happened backstage at Cracked Christmas 8 – a charity gala in Los Angeles. The grand prize for the annual fundraiser was a Desperate Housewives walk on role.

Just as well it wasn’t a sit down role!

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Woman Told She’s Too Old To Bare Her Bottom and Spank Herself

An Australian woman “old enough to know better” has been fined for flashing her BARE BUTTOCKS and SPANKING herself in front of a crowd of about 200 people at the Gold Coast Indy. But she denied claims by cops that she was not wearing any UNDERWEAR.

Lucinda Dorothy Dimond, 37, of Main Beach, pleaded guilty to public nuisance over her crowd-pleasing balcony performance on October 26.

She was wearing a short denim skirt and a revealing white top when she walked out on her balcony, turned her back to the crowd, pulled up her skirt and exposed her buttocks before ‘spanking it’. Police said it appeared she was not wearing any underwear.

“She performed this exhibition three times where she would re-enter her apartment and return to the balcony to expose her bare buttocks and spank herself,” said the police prosecutor Sgt Campbell who went on to administer a pretty severe (and ageist) spanking of his own:

“With the amount of public education regarding this nature of offending, it is very disappointing to see a relatively mature lady behaving in this manner, not once but three times effectively.”

And magistrate George Wilkie rubbed it in even more:

“I’d have thought you are a bit past this behaviour at your age,” he said, before fining the woman $400!

Ooh! that’s gotta hurt. If she were 21 years old would that be young enough to be excused?

See the embarrassed customer service worker’s picture and read the full story here.

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