Category Archives: Film Fanatic

“My Adoring Spanko Fans” by Maggie Gyllenhaal

I saw Maggie Gyllenhaal being interviewed this week. (on Graham Norton’s first Friday night chat show as replacement for Jonathan Ross) .


Graham, Charlotte, Maggie and Russell

I was hoping they might get round to the subject of Secretary . Sure enough, there was a question in which Norton skirted round the issue of what the film was about (not mentioning spanking or kinkiness) and asked her if she’d had any “weird” reactions from fans of the movie.

At this point fellow guest, comedian Russell Howard, interjected:

“What he’s trying to say is: Did you ever get spanked in public?”

Laughs all round were followed by a nice reply from Maggie G.:

You know, people come up to me and say: “I’ve seen Secretary a million times. It changed my life.”And then they look me right in the eye.

That’s their SEX life they’re talking about!

Another guest, gobby Welsh singer Charlotte Church, fell strangely silent even though this would have been the perfect moment for another one of her anecdotes about “me and Gavin”!!

That was it, but it could all have been very different if Jonathan Ross was still doing the show. As you can tell from this funny clip of him interviewing Lost star Matthew Fox, he would never have let Maggie off so lightly. In fact he would probably have ended up with her right across his knee!

Talk about a dog with a bone:-

Maggie Gyllenhaal is currently filming a movie set in Victorian London about the invention of the vibrator, so it’s good to see her getting back to her roots and making what sounds like another quirky independent comedy about a taboo area of sexuality.

Emma Stone in Easy A

Emma Stone, who went OTK in House Bunny, is now starring in new teen flick Easy A – “a high-school comedy that comes on both sassy and cute.” – much like Emma herself then! In fact, according to one review “Stone is a comic firecracker, loveable and razor sharp… in a way that makes Lindsay Lohan’s turn in Mean Girls look bland!” As you can see from the poster, there’s no shortage of potential reasons for Emma to get a spanking in this movie!


First thing to report is that Emma does get sent to the principal’s office (Hooray!)! But she ends up with just a detention (boo!) where she meets Brandon (Dan Byrd), a gay teen struggling with his sexuality and getting the crap kicked out of him in school. He convinces her to stage a faux sex session at a big high school party so that the kids will think he’s a stud.

“The scene, which has them moaning, SPANKING, screaming, and jumping on the bed behind closed doors as their shocked peers listen in from the outside, is absolutely raucous and will go down as a classic scene in teen comedy history.” (

This video shows some of the scene (35 secs). Unfortunately it’s Emma spanking Dan Byrd with a slipper. She doesn’t hold back either!

The Spank Statement doesn’t normally feature F/M scenes, but I thought this scene was well worth making an exception for. Who knows, they might even switch – anybody actually seen this movie? Either way, Emma Stone goes down in history as an actress who has given and received a spanking in movies.

Is that right Emma?


Emma Stone in Easy A

Reader’s Top Tens – Murray Roberts


Most of you will already be familiar with former Janus contributor Murray Roberts whose sensational From the Library series has been wowing visitors to this site for a while. Now Spank Statement readers can enjoy the EXCLUSIVE privilege of reading the veteran aficionado’s “no-punches-pulled” account of his personal top ten movie spanking scenes. Hold on tight…

Items 10-2 are in alphabet order, not order of merit.

10 The Cowcatcher’s Daughter (Andy Clyde, Marjorie Beebe)

The longest scene on screen; just serious enough to be interesting.

9 The Doctor and the Redhead (TV Series The June Allyson Show: Episode: The Doctor and the Redhead, Dick Powell and Felicity Farr).

Has all the right ingredients, and it helps that you can see it coming a mile off!

8 The Fabulous Senorita (Robert Armstrong, Estelita Rodriguez)

In many of her films, ER behaved as though she should be spanked, but this and Mexicana are the only two that ‘delivered’. No punches pulled, and ER responds with much struggling and scratching.

7 Gunsmoke (TV Series Episode: Catawomper, no link available)

Just a nice close-up, no soundtrack, no-nonsense whacking.

6 How Honza Nearly Became King (Jiri Korn, Jorga Kotrbová)

A sort of Czech fairy tale in which a dumb-of-malice princess finds her voice while being soundly spanked by Honza. Great stuff!


5 Janika (Hungary Film/TV)

Four versions are known of this famous play, in which a mature woman impersonates her (non existent) son. The 2003 TV version is superb.

4 Too Young To Kiss (Van Johnson, June Allyson)

When a 20 odd year woman decides, for professional reasons, to knock 10 years off her age, one feels she should be spanked and, in this one, she is.

3 Twilight on the Rio Grande (Gene Autry, Adele Mara, no link available)

One of Gene’s 3 screen spankings. Manages to be both light-hearted and heavy handed.

2 Weeds (Mary Louise Parker, Demian Bechir)
A nice scene, and symbolic in that it might just signal the end of the TV Spanking ‘drought’.

1 Frontier Gal (Rod Cameron, Yvonne de Carlo)

I first saw this a lifetime ago, and it has been a favourite ever since. RC really means business, and, although Yvonne is immaculate for the succeeding clinch, one suspects the make-up team have been at work.



Candidate for inclusion (if it ever turns up):

Demain nous Divorcons (France 1950s)

A spirited battle of the sexes in which Sophie Desmarets receives a magisterial spanking from I believe Jean Desailly.

Kiss Me Kate

The 1999 revival has a good scene, especially with Rachel York as Lilli/Kate. However, there are scores of productions each year, and spanking clips/stills sometimes find their way to YouTube and elsewhere.

US Pro Wrestling

For those interested in the byways. Until the authorities clamped down a few years ago, the boys got away with (spanking) murder!

Please keep sending in your top ten movie spankings to the usual email address (see top of sidebar). Some descriptions and or reasons for your choices would be great, but a simple list is fine too.

What Top Celebrities Really Think About Their Bottoms – Gemma Arterton


Curvy British actress Gemma Arterton first came to our attention as the headgirl of St Trinians. Now the press are accusing her of hypocrisy after saying she she has nearly walked off very big films because:

“I would rather work with people that don’t just see me as a piece of ass.”

Hmm…I really can’t think how they came to that conclusion…

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But instead of moaning about it, she could always just turn the other cheek!

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Let’s face it, she’s pretty good at doing that!

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Especially in her latest film Tamara Drewe where she parades her prize asset in a pair of ultra-tight Daisy Duke shorts.

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“Hypocrisy…my arse!”

Meet Monica Velour

Kim Cattrall was mentioned in dispatches a few weeks ago up in this Spank Statement. Now 35 years after that scene in Rosebud, the Sex and the City star’s bottom gets another showcasing in her latest film Meet Monica Velour. She keeps her underwear on this time but overall it’s not bad for a 50-something.

And best of all she shows she’s up for giving herself a jolly good spank!

Bring Back the Spankers “Says” Joan Collins

When Joan Collins wrote an article bemoaning the demise of the macho leading man in Hollywood, she let slip a fascinating story about being spanked by Robert Mitchum in The Big Sleep. It’s a scene which didn’t make it into the final movie (she doesn’t explain why or even mention its’ absence) so no one knew about it…until now.

In fact Bring back the brawn reads like a Who’s Who of some of the most notorious spankers in cinema history. It’s as if she’s calling for the return of actors who have no qualms about putting troublesome temptresses across their knee.

So I’ve posted some extracts from her article below and added a few notes and pictures to make the subtext more obvious. My notes are in italics and the Robert Mitchum story is highlighted in bold.

I’ve provided links for the scenes mentioned where possible, but there are quite a few that I couldn’t track down.


One of the delicious advantages of living in Los Angeles is the plethora of wonderful classic movies that are constantly aired on all the cable channels. Most of the really old ones from the Thirties to the Fifties are put on in the afternoons or very early mornings, so our trusty machine has to work overtime to record them. What strikes me again and again about these movies is how hunky and masculine the majority of the male stars were.

Boom Town was on recently, with the extremely macho co-stars Spencer Tracy and Clark Gable. Although Gable was by far the better looking and taller (he kept referring to Tracy as ‘Shorty’ in the film) Spencer Tracy was his equal in the he-man department.

Spencer Tracey achieved the notable feat of taking Elizabeth Taylor across his knee in a publicity still for Father of The Bride.

In Forsaking All Others Clark Gable took on the redoutable Joan Crawford
When Chross posted the scene one comment could almost have been left by Joan (Collins) herself:

“Excellent scene. It also shows something more. Just look at the confidence in Clark Gable as he picks her up to spank. He shows a true manly approach. It is very different now. It you look at men trying to do say a birthday spanking they look completely unsure and nervous.”

In Across the Wide Missouri, Dr Gable prescribed a sore situpon for a sassy squaw who was suffering from a severe case of respect deficiency disorder.

The same goes for most of the male movie stars from the golden era of Hollywood: Anthony Quinn dancing the tango with Rita Hayworth in Blood And Sand oozed masculine sex appeal, as did his co-star Tyrone Power.

In “The Long Gray Line” (1955) Tyrone Power gives Maureen O’Hara a smack on the bottom.

There are so many examples of great-looking guys from that era who were entirely superior to the heartthrobs of today in the testosterone stakes. To me, many of these modern actors look a bit wimpy.

Scientists, it seems, have come to an unusual conclusion about the phenomenon of today’s ‘pretty-boy’ actors compared with the he-men of yesteryear. It seems that as the nation’s health improves, women’s tastes in the men they fancy softens.

When health is poor, women go for rugged, tough-looking men, who they expect will give them strong babies. Hence, I suppose, in the Thirties and Forties, during the Depression and the war, they flocked to see Douglas Fairbanks, Victor Mature, Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas and, of course, Mr Uber-Macho, John Wayne .

It’s most surprising that Douglas Fairbanks never dished out a spanking or two as far as I know.

In the period swashbuckling romp, The Flame and the Arrow (1950), Robin-Hood-style bandit Burt Lancaster threatens upper-class brat Virginia Mayo with a spanking.

John Wayne’s spanking exploits are too numerous to mention here, but I’ve dug out a picture of Mr Uber-Macho himself in full flow that would no doubt please Joan.

But when a nation’s health improves, and life expectancy rises, women become attracted to more feminine-looking men, who appear to have gentler natures to match their little-boy faces.

It’s an odd theory, but universities have done their research with more than 5,000 women, and it seems that Zac Efron beats Sean Connery by a long shot: modern women prefer more cutesy-looking movie stars such as Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, stars of those Twilight vampire movies.

These boys cause squeals of delight from young girls and are mobbed whenever they appear in public. However, as a young girl, that wasn’t the kind of man I went for at all, and I’d say it was the same for most of the women of my generation. I wrote off asking for autographed pictures to many of the post-war British ‘Idols of the Odeons’, most of whom were tall, dark and broodingly handsome.

When these photographs came back, they were proudly stuck under my school desk lid – I had James Mason, Stewart Granger and Maxwell Reed . In fact, so taken was I by the latter that I foolishly married him when I was 18.

Sean Connery gave Daniela Bianchi a fine one smacker in From Russia With Love (1963).

James Mason threatened Julie Newmar with a spanking in The Marriage-Go-Round (1960). And as I posted last week Stewart Granger paddled the beautiful Eleanor Parker in Scaramouche (1952)

Soon afterwards, I was lucky enough to appear in a series of films with the most attractive and masculine-looking male stars: Gregory Peck in The Bravados was not only extremely handsome and a great actor, but he was also one of the most elegant and gentlemanly of all, without ever losing his masculine appeal or his tough side.

In Beloved Infidel (1959) Gregory Peck took Deborah Kerr over his knee and applied a single spank.

When I worked with the fabulous Robert Mitchum in Michael Winner’s remake of The Big Sleep, I was quite nervous because of his tough-guy reputation, and I expected to be black and blue from the fight scene we were supposed to do.

I’d just finished a film with another hard man – Jack Palance – who’d roughed me up severely in our fight scene. He was a bit of a bully and pushed me around savagely, no doubt to prove how butch he was.

But Mitchum, who epitomised the strong, silent type, was as gentle with me as if he was playing with a kitten. He had to wrestle me to the floor, fling me across the room, grab my hair, twist my neck and then, the grand finale, throw me across his knee and spank me.

Robert Mitchum and Joan Collins in The Big Sleep

Well, I didn’t feel a thing throughout it, and when I asked him how he had managed to make the fight so realistic without leaving the tiniest mark on me, he replied in his laconic manner: ‘Honey, I’ve been doin’ this for about a hundred years – I’m an actor who knows how to play rough, and I’m not about to hurt an actress just for a goddamn scene.’

Another actor who fancied himself as a real Neanderthal was Richard Burton. I played opposite the pockmarked Welshman in Sea Wife, and he immediately made no secret of the fact that he was not only the ultimate seducer, but the leader of the pack as far as hellraisers were concerned.

He admitted to me that he would ‘f*** a snake if it was wearing a skirt!’ He also told me that if I did not succumb to his charms, I would ruin his record of sleeping with all his leading ladies.

I realised that Burton was one of that rare breed – a true macho movie star. But in no way was I tempted, although I saw other women fall like ninepins at his feet.

There was no spanking in the Burton/Taylor version of The Taming of the Shrew in spite of the poster suggesting otherwise.

Another huge, manly star graced Dynasty for one episode. When Charlton Heston walked onto the set, everyone kow-towed in deference. One of the handful of great leading men of the Fifties and Sixties, he received the respect he deserved.

Many of these actors had an aura of ‘don’t mess with me, kiddo’. I met Humphrey Bogart at a party soon after my arrival in Hollywood and he scared me to death. However, when I got to know him better he was a charming family man.

Surprisingly, I couldn’t find any evidence that Charlton Heston or Humphrey Bogart ever spanked a woman on screen or even made a threat.

There’s a big difference between the male stars of bygone years and today’s slightly metrosexual-looking actors. Johnny Depp, Leonardo Di Caprio and Sean Penn are all wonderful actors, but they are chameleon-like when it comes to their place on the masculinity meter.

(And none of these modern stars have so far got past zero on the spank-o-meter.)

So who is the sexiest, most masculine male star of all time? I think it has to be Marlon Brando. In a series of spectacular performances, he put his indelible mark on what defines masculinity. Unforgettable in a dirty white T-shirt in A Streetcar Named Desire, wearing a beat-up old jacket in On The Waterfront and clad in leather motorcycle gear in The Wild Ones, his will always be the most iconic and desired of images.

And what of today’s stars? Who will top the list in decades to come? Well, there’s Jeff Bridges, who well deserved his recent Oscar. There’s George Clooney, and then there’s George Clooney and, oh yes, don’t forget George Clooney.

But I’m afraid, boys, that’s about it.

C’mon then George, you’ve impressed Joan, now show us what you’re really made of and give your next leading lady a taste of something truly masterful!


A friend wrote to me about Scaramouche ages ago:

I don’t know if you’ve heard of the movie “Scaramouche”, a swashbuckler from 1952. I haven’t seen it since I saw it on tv in the sixties. If I remember correctly Stewart Granger chases Janet Leigh (they are both members of a French comedy troupe) á la “McLintock!” . He is armed with a wooden board and every time he gets a chance he whacks her behind with it. It could be on dvd, I don’t know, I haven’t checked.

I was reminded about this when I was googling Stewart Granger for another post that I’m preparing. So I had a look on Youtube and managed to find the scene he describes.

It turns out my emailing friend didn’t quite remember correctly because although Janet Leigh is one of the stars. it’s Eleanor Parker who gets whacked on stage as the rivalry between her and Granger spills over into some unscripted slapstick. (Shades of Kiss Me Kate as well as McLintock).

The fun begins at about 5 20. Speaking of McLintock though, it’s well worth watching the whole clip to see how Eleanor Parker “the flame haired wild cat tamed only by…Scaramouche,” was a prettier version of Maureen O’Hara to Granger’s more refined John Wayne. You’ll also get a sense of how much she DESERVES those whacks with the slapstick. Shame he didn’t take her across his knee though.

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Father, Dear Father

father dear father This clip is from a 1973 British movie which stars Patrick Cargill as a middle-aged divorcee who is left to bring up his two teenage daughters, Anna (Ann Holloway) and Karen (Natasha Pyne).

When Karen (left in picture) is caught out trying to deceive her father, he doesn’t need to threaten her with a smacked bottom, she reads his mind and says the words for him!

It’s an embarrassing line for anyone to have to say out loud…try it sometime!

It’s good that you can see Anna’s reaction too, biting her lip and wincing at the thought of what is about to befall her sister.

The same line was used in an episode of the original TV series. As I remember, one of the girls (I’m not sure which) is being given a talking to by her father. She’s heard the lecture so many times before that she knows it word for word. And the final line is “…and I’m not too old to have my bottom smacked.”

Cargill says: “Yes but that’s the problem, you ARE too old.”

At the end of the episode, when the girls are both in big trouble yet again, Cargill comes home and they start backing away from him.

“I know what you’re probably thinking…”


“We’re NOT too old to have our bottoms smacked!”

They run out through the door, and the titles start to roll.

I’ve also found this great clip from the TV series which ties in perfectly with this earlier post. Unknown to her father, Anna has been hired as a bunny girl waitress. Ann Holloway looks wonderful in her bunny outfit as she gets her tail adjusted by the bunny mother.


But there’s a shock in store when daddy turns up for a meal with some old friends…


All sorts of chaos and slapstick ensues.


And Cargill’s hand finishes up exactly where I’ve always wanted to see it…right across his daughter’s bottom!

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An Education

At last night’s Oscar ceremony Carey Mullligan lost out to Sandra Bullock who took the Best Actress Award. In her acceptance speech, Bullock joked that the talented 23 year old star of An Education “makes me sick”.


In the movie she played a rebellious 1960s schoolgirl who gets summoned, along with two classmates, to the study of their fearsome headmistress. They receive a stiff dressing down…but nothing more.

Which left us all feeling pretty sick!

Still, the Oscar for Best Missed Spanking Opportunity in a movie goes to…

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an education04

Hands out of pockets, Mulligan!

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Tall in the Saddle

Elizabeth Risdon was 57 when she went across the knee of Gabby Hayes in a publicity still for the 1944 Western Tall in the Saddle. There was just a threat in the movie itself, so she can’t strictly lay claim to the title of celluloid’s most senior spankee.

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Never Too Old!

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