Category Archives: Film Fanatic

Christine Kaufmann and Vera Farmiga

I’ve had a few comments about the new header image, all positive I’m glad to say. JS was even inspired to send me some shots of German actress Christine Kaufmann in a similar pose:

“After seeing your new header, I thought I’d share a couple of similar shots of one of my boyhood crushes, the meltingly beautiful Christine Kaufmann. These are from her 1983 film Die wilden fuenfziger (The Wild Fifties) when she was about 38 — they are obviously mirror-imaged.


If you’re not familiar, Christine was in her teens in the early 60’s and poised for international stardom. She made a bunch of costume pics, though her highest profile role was as the rape-victim opposite Kirk Douglas in A Town without Pity. (No one has ever played “vulnerable innocence” quite like the young Christine.)


She met and married Tony Curtis, however, and took a few years off to have kids, and when she split from Tony and went back to work, her moment had passed. She has worked steadily since in Europe, but virtually nothing seen internationally.

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AFAIK, she was never spanked on-screen (though the kinds of characters she played … anyone who laid a hand on her oughta be shot). At least we have these pics.


Vera Farmiga has revealed that she used a butt double for a love scene with George Clooney in Up In The Air.

In the scene , she lies naked on a bed with her bottom showing and a topless George stretching out on the floor beneath her.

I had shot this when I had six pounds more chunk on my behind. I did attempt to do the nude scene but I think my bottom had become too large. I got to help choose my body double,

From Running Scared to Never Forever to The Departed, I’ve mooned audiences my whole life, and I just think it wasn’t appropriate given the situation.

It’s quite unusual, and very helpful, for an actress to provide us with a list of her own screen mooning moments. I’ve never seen any of the three films she mentions, but some further research suggests that Running Scared was probably her finest performance…

Vera Farmiga Running Scared

The Genuine Article

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Goodbye “Cybill”, Hello Jodie

I’m going to replace the header image of the blog  soon. The start of a new year seems as good a time as any to freshen things up a bit.

susannah constantine

When I first started using the current one, a reader wrote to say the model’s hair reminded him of Cybill Shepherd. It’s actually fashion commentator Susannah Constantine, but he was spot on in terms of the comparison.

Cybill never looked more beautifully coiffeured than in her 1971 film The Last Picture Show. Filmed in black and white as if in the period in which it was set (1950s), she also showcases the classic teenage fashions of the period to perfection. She plays Jacy Farrow the prettiest, wealthiest and most spankable girl in town.

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There wasn’t a scene in which she got spanked unfortunately, but there was some nudity. In fact, she does a complete strip-teese on a swimming pool diving board! The memorable scene has quite a unique blend of comedy and eroticism about it, but the ultimate “money shot” is her breasts. There’s the slightest hint of butt crack as she lowers her large white granny panties, but that’s all.

Later however, in a bedroom scene, the director Peter Bogdanovich allows us a wonderful shot of the other side of the twenty year-old Cybill. She was appearing in her first ever movie. What a debut!

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I’ll be replacing the “Cybill” picture with one of Jodie Whittaker. She’s a British actress who also bared her bottom in her first ever movie, Venus.

In the film, her great uncle played by Peter O’Toole names her Venus after The Rokeby Venus – a famous painting by Spanish artist Velázquez .

velasquez rokeby venus

He takes her to see the painting in London’s National Gallery. Later, when Jodie’s character works as an artist’s model, she recreates the pose of the Goddess of Love herself – pretty sucessfullly.

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There’s a clip on Youtube of Jodie Whittaker talking about the movie whilst standing in front of the original Velasquez painting. In a six minute interview, she manages to avoid any mention of bottoms! Talk about an elephant in the room!

I’ve also uploaded a series of screen grabs of the scene to Imageshack. Hope you like the new header anyway. It will be the fourth one I’ve used now.

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Spanking Scene of the Decade – Poll Results

Thanks to everyone who voted in my poll to find the Spanking Scene of the Decade. Special thanks to Chross and Brushstrokes for linking in to it. And also a massive hat tip to all the unsung heroes who report spanking scenes to us bloggers and various message boards. Without you none of this would have been possible.

Anyone wishing to view the clips should visit this post. The figure in brackets at the end of each line is the total number of votes for each scene.

So here are your Spankings of the Decade:

  • 1 Mary-Louise Parker – Weeds (160)

  • 2 Maggie Gyllenhaal – Secretary (133)

  • 3 Deborah Secco – Laços de Família (36)

  • 4 Rachel Miner – Californication (35)

  • 5= Amber Tamblyn – Normal Adolesc. Behavior (32)

  • 5= Jenny Miller – 5ive girls (32)

  • 5= Olivia Hallinan – Sugar Rush (32)

  • 8 Nadeshda Brennicke – Hotte im Paradies (19)

  • 9 Julia Jentsch – Schneeland (16)

  • 10 Blake Lively – The Private Lives of Pippa Lee (15)

  • 11 Emily Mortimer – Young Adam (14)
  • 12 Portia Del Rossi – Ally McBeal (13)
  • 13 Unknown – Cheerleader Autopsy (9)
  • 14= Tomi X – The Halfway House (7)
  • 14=  Madeleine West – Underbelly (7)
  • 16 Emma Stone – House Bunny (6)
  • 17=  Lise Bellynck – À l’aventure (5)
  • 17= Rachel Blaha – Caregiver (5)
  • 17= Drica Moraes – Alma Gemea (5)
  • 17=  Katie Jarvis – Fish Tank (5)
  • 21= Marlene Favela – Gata Salvaje (3)
  • 22= Natalya Tkachenko – Favorit (3)
  • 23= Emilia Sparagna – Der die Tollkirsche ausgräbt (2)
  • 23= Priscila Fantin – Sete Pecados (2)
  • 25 Alison Mac – Two Pints of Lager (1)

(Fallo and Kottentail failed to score a vote)

A few points about the results.

There was the mother of all battles for first place between Weeds and Secretary. Whilst Weeds was always in the lead, it never pulled away decisively and the percentages (27% and 22%) remained the same. In the end, it was a shame that one of these two outstanding candidates had to lose.

An even closer contest for third place saw just a few votes seperating Lacos de Familia, Californication, Sugar Rush, Normal Adolescent Behavior, and 5ive Girls. A last day surge for Deborah Secco finally clinched it over Rachel Miner’s Californication scene. The other three ended up tying on 32 votes each.

Probably the most striking thing to come out of the whole exercise though, was the sheer spread of your choices. Only two, out of the 27 picks, didn’t get a single vote. I felt this vindicated my decision to include so many (all of them basically), rather than invite you to choose from a shortlist.

The poll post attracted some interesting discussion too. I wasn’t able to join in as I’ve been away, but thanks to Dan N, Gabby, and Marque, for adding to the end of year festivities!

You’ve probably heard that the first screen spanking of the new decade is due to be Jessica Alba – on the bare bottom!!

The Killer Inside Me is a controversial scene, but still a revealing indicator of just how far we have come. The spanking is similar in some ways to the scene in the early 90s film Tank. It’s perhaps best appreciated in the form of a still like this one.

jessica alba the killler inside me

Now that spanking is so fashionable again, will we start to see more A list Hollywood stars getting in on the act?

One final thought: Had the person who voted for Two Pints of Lager been drinking rather more than that over Christmas? 🙂

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New Reader’s Poll – Coming Soon

What an amazing 10 years it’s been for fans of TV and movie spanking scenes!

One spanking after another rained down on our screens ending years of drought and disappointment. Just when most of us had given up believing that it could ever happen.

So now I’m going to put up a poll to find the SPANKING SCENE OF THE DECADE!

As you might expect, there are some incredibly strong contenders. I’ve listed them all in advance complete with links to the clips. The list relies heavily on Chross’ Movie Database which, it’s worth pointing out, is the only one on the internet that includes all the spankings that have appeared since the new millenium began.

I’ve restricted the choices to scenes from dramas (no reality TV/game shows). There are 27 spankings from 10 different countries with the US leading the way. Their impressive tally of 10 nominations is surely proof that SOMETHING CHANGED during the decade.

The ripple effect from this new wave of American spankings was also felt in the UK (4 scenes) and Germany (3 scenes). Brazil also has 3 of the 4 South American scenes nominated.

ALL the lovely actresses who’ve assumed the position during the last 10 years deserve our respect and recognition of course, but to help you decide who to vote for, here’s your essential guide to the naughtiest of the Noughties:

In chronological order:

  1. Deborah Secco Laços de Família 2000 Brazil TV
  2. Portia Del Rossi Ally McBeal 2000 US TV
  3. Maggie Gyllenhaal Secretary 2002 US Movie
  4. Marlene Favela Gata Salvaje 2002 Mexico TV
  5. Unknown Cheerleader Autopsy 2003 US Movie
  6. Nadeshda Brennicke Hotte im Paradies 2003 Germany Movie
  7. Raffaella Ponzo Fallo! 2003 Italy Movie
  8. Olivia Hallinan Sugar Rush 2003 UK TV
  9. Kristin Abbot Kottentail 2004 US Movie
  10. Emily Mortimer Young Adam 2004 UK Movie
  11. Tomi X The Halfway House 2004 US Movie
  12. Alison Mac Two Pints of Lager 2004 UK TV
  13. Natalya Tkachenko Favorit 2005 Russia TV
  14. Julia Jentsch Schneeland 2005 Germany Movie
  15. Drica Moraes Alma Gemea 2005 Brazil TV
  16. Jenny Miller 5ive girls, 2006 Canada Movie
  17. Emilia Sparagna Der die Tollkirsche ausgräbt 2006 Germany Movie
  18. Amber Tamblyn Normal Adolescent Behaviour 2007 US Movie
  19. Rachel Blaha Caregiver 2007 US Movie
  20. Rachel Miner Californication 2007 US TV
  21. Priscila Fantin Sete Pecados 2007 Brazil TV
  22. Madeleine West Underbelly 2008 Australia TV
  23. Emma Stone House Bunny, 2008 US Movie (dvd extras)
  24. Mary-Louise Parker Weeds 2008 US TV
  25. Blake Lively The Private Lives of Pippa Lee 2009 US Movie
  26. Lise Bellynck À l’aventure 2009 France Movie
  27. Katie Jarvis Fish Tank 2009 UK Movie

If there’s a scene I’ve missed that you think deserves to be included let me know. I’ll create the poll itself later in the week.

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June And Paula

A couple of pictures that are new to me. No prizes for guessing where I found them, the water mark is a bit of a giveaway.

First up is quite a classic pose from 1938. It shows Thornton Freeland giving his wife June Clyde an over the knee spanking.


Thornton Freeland was a film director who guided Dolores del Rio across the knee of Gene Raymond in Flying Down To Rio (1935). Exactly why he decided his actress wife needed similar treatment three years later isn’t clear – perhaps he was just into his spanking.

June Clyde (b 1909) had, according to Wikipedia, a “modest career” appearing in a number of Hollywood movies. After marrying Freeland in the early 1930s, the couple moved to England where they lived happily ever after.

Apart from the occasional “domestic dispute”!


The second picture is from a 1952 film called Three Men and a Girl (titled The Gay Adventure in the US.)


The actress being publicly spanked in front of friends, family and members of the press is Paula Valenska. I’ve no idea if it’s just a publicity still or if there was a spanking in the movie.

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An exhibition to mark Brigitte Bardot’s 75th birthday is drawing thousands of visitors to the Boulogne-Billancourt in Paris.

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The French actress and “sex bomb” never looked less than great in a bikini, but there’s very little full nudity in her films. So we are fortunate that the few nude scenes she did feature some spectacular rear views.

And her acting career even climaxed with a little light spanking.

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BB shows her bb

In En Cas de Malheur (1958), the twenty-two year old Bardot is the seducer of an aging lawyer played by Jean Gabin. To entice him into taking her case when she is charged with burglary, she lifts her skirt in his office revealing – to the lucky audience – an exceptionally cute pair of buttocks.

The scene is considerably more daring than anything in Hollywood at the time. I always think bottoms look great shot in black and white, and this has to be one of the best examples in cinema history.

But surely Gabin should have taken the perfect opportunity to punish her for her crimes – guilty or not. In fact, he could have added “attempted bribery” to the charge sheet!

The scene was actually a little too daring even for Europe, as the French censor cut part of the shot out, not because her bottom was naked, but because Gabin was staring directly at her crotch! The video distributor, re-inserted the missing frames in the video release, but bizarrely NOT in the later DVD. The frames are on the DVD as an extra.

Fast forward just five years, and Jean Luc Godard’s Le Mepris (1963) opens with a famous scene which shows a naked Bardot lying face down on a bed tenderly asking her husband about his love for her body.

We are now very much in the modern era of colour and Godard makes the most of it with a ravishing series of filtered shots which anticipate the psychedelia of the late 1960s. But the most most remarkable thing, from our point of view, is that her bottom is on screen for a full THREE intoxicating, uninterrupted minutes! The camera lingers. It contemplates. It stares. It dare not move. Watch the opening of Le Mepris here .

Bardot was often very promisingly cast as a naive but wilful “gamine” from the country opposite an older more worldly man. One of her early films was even titled The Naughty Girl for it’s US release. There must have been plenty of hopeful American movie-goers who snapped up tickets for that one. Unfortunately though, there were no traditional otk spankings in any of her films.

Bardot’s career slowly wound down from the mid-60s. Her later work rarely received an international release outside Europe. L’Histoire très bonne et très joyeuse de Colinot Trousse-Chemi se (1973), her final film made when she was 39, had no circulation at all until the internet era, when it finally became famous for one reason only!

Happy Birthday BB and…


Bottoms Up!

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The Amy Adams Butt Show

amy adams butt showYou might recall my report that the movie Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian promised us Amy Adams in an extremely tight pair of jodhpurs after she revealed:

It’s going to be an Amy Adams butt show. I was like, that’s a lot of information. I’m not known for showing my ass on camera, but there it is.”

It turns out this wasn’t empty hype either. I haven’t seen the film myself but a reader has told me that he watched it on a transatlantic flight.

I remember your blog about Amy Adams and therefore I watched the (rather silly) movie on the plane to New York. I’ve always thought Amy Adams cute, but I had no idea that her bottom looked that awesome. She’s in my top 3 now, but I would have wanted the camera to stay much longer on those tight pants…

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Anyway I sought out some screen grabs, and wasn’t disappointed. In fact…they should put that ass in the Smithsonian!


Since the movie was released another interesting quote from Amy has emerged.

The pants were like 2 sizes smaller and I had to do Pilates to get into the outfit and look good in it! Hank (Azaria) would always make it a point to tell me ‘nice pants’ each time. And I would reply they really hug you from behind. If it works, great, if not, I’m ok with it. But I think it’s working.”

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Yes it definitely worked, but wholesome Amy was shocked when she saw just how much “information” those tight jodhpurs revealed on screen.

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Connoisseurs of celebrity butts will want to check out the new gallery that Chross has created called Famous Derrieres.

Reader’s Top Tens – Martyn

This Top Ten was sent to me by Martyn. I’m sure you’ll be fascinated by the reasons behind his personal selections, and probably identify with some of the evocative memories that he associates with his favourite mainstream spankings. There’s also some great additional trivia a “mystery” scene, and a bit of a surprise at Number One!

Don’t forget that, to keep this thread running, you need to send me your top ten too. You don’t have to be a “personality” or a regular blog commentator. It’s open to anyone.

10. The Cherrypicker (1972)

Not the greatest spanking I’ve ever seen but it’s Lulu’s bottom on the receiving end and I’ve always thought she has a very spankable bottom.

Unfortunately, this clip doesn’t seem to be freely available on the internet at the time of writing.

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Cherry Cheeks?

9. Battle of the Villa Fiorita (1965)

I saw this as an eleven year old and was completely in love with the delectable Olivia Hussey, the only thing that could have made me any happier, was if she got spanked in the movie – and then she did! Yes for once in my life, a wish was granted and over the knee she went, dress up and a sound spanking administered to her pantie-covered bottom. Later her step sister (to be) asked to see how red her bottom is, and takes a peek! All very erotic for an eleven year old I can tell you!

I suppose you could say Olivia Hussey was the Emma Watson of the 1960s. When she was fifteen, she filmed a nude scene in Franco Zefferelli’s Romeo and Juliet, which she was then deemed too young to watch!


Olivia (Brazen) Hussey

8. La Madriguera (AKA The Honeycomb 1969)

Geraldine Chaplin and Per Oscarsson indulge in a bit of role playing which results in the ‘schoolgirl’ Geraldine going across the knee for a skirt raised, ruler spanking across her tight knickers.

Chross posted this clip recently, and it was also mentioned in my Kenneth Tynan post.

7. The Girl Who Couldn’t Quite (1950)

Elizabeth Hensen plays a spoilt brat of a young woman who meets her match in a tramp played by Bill Owen (probably why he got the part of Compo in Last of the Summer Wine ) Brattish behaviour is rewarded in the time honoured way and Elizabeth’s shapely rump takes quite a tanning!

Bill Owen

“Ah yes, I remember that shapely rump!”

You can watch this on Paul H666’s blog here. Last of the Summer Wine is a long running British comedy show in which Bill Owen played a lovable tramp until his death in 1999.

6. The Bay Boy (1984)

Set in the thirties, a father keeps strict discipline in his house, when he finds one of his daughters in what he deems a compromising situation he deals with it dramatically. The girl, played by Jane McKinnon, is
ordered over the kitchen table and then told to lower her knickers for a brutal application of his belt to her bare bottom (unseen). A very well observed scene of parental discipline from an age gone by – even though
the girl was at least seventeen, she still had to abide by the father’s rules and the failure to do this was both humiliating and very painful.

Watch it here

5. Testament of Youth (British mini series 1978)

Cheryl Campbell, who played Vera Brittain, argued with her father about some political point – something you didn’t do back in 1914 apparently – she was sent to bed and later her mother was dispatched to her bedroom to drive this point home by administering a sound spanking, while the family maid listened at the door giggling. The rather comical thing about this, was Cheryl was 30 years old at the time! I remember listening to Terry Wogan the next day and he said something along the lines of “the spanking in Testament of Youth was what made British television the best in the world!”

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I’ve never seen this and it doesn’t seem to be on any internet lists of movie spankings. The full series is on Youtube but the spanking is missing. Martyn thinks that it may have been censored from the box set by busybodies at the BBC. If anyone knows anything about it please leave a comment below.

4. Cutting it Short (Postriziny 1980)

A film from the Czech Republic or Czechoslovakia as it was then. The beautiful Magda Vásáryová upsets her long suffering husband by having her long blonde hair cut short. She is rather ceremoniously bent over his
bicycle, her skirt is lifted and then her bottom is spanked with a rubber tube from his pump. This is played out in front of an appreciative audience of brewery workers. Magda is unconcerned and lowers her knickers for her husband to take a look at his handiwork! All in all I think she rather enjoyed the experience.

You can watch this much-loved scene here.

3. By The Sword Divided (British mini series Episode – Gather ye Rosebuds 1983)

The lovely Lucy Aston (one time wife of Martin Clunes) plays the defiant daughter who refuses to marry her father’s choice of suitor and in turn is prepared to take her punishment. Her father arrives at her bedroom cane in hand, while her mother and brother try to talk him out of it. Luckily they fail and we all get to see Lucy dressed only in her nightgown bend over the end of her bed and impudently push her bottom out for her father to give her a resounding 12 of the best. Great stuff!

See Martin Clunes’ former wife behaving badly here.

2. The Roots Of Heaven (1958)

Madame Orsini played by Jacqueline Fogt is a middle-aged woman who likes to kill elephants. She is quite rightly spanked on her bare bottom in front of a hundred or so party guests. Great build up and a fantastic
climax – truly the most humiliating spanking since Maureen O’Hara in McKlintock, only this is most definitely punishment- time for a remake of this superb film – but who would play Madame Orsini?

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There’s been much debate about the identity of the actress that gets spanked but general agreement about the quality of this scene.

1. The Congress Dances

This 1931 film doesn’t actually have a spanking in it – but wow! Set in Germany in the 1800s Christel Weinzinger (Lillian Harvey) throws a bouquet of flowers containing an advertisement for her shop into the Czar’s carriage. It is mistakenly thought to be a bomb and she is arrested. She is hauled before the court. The presiding judge takes great delight in sentencing her to 20 strokes of the cane across her bare posterior. At this point Lillian’s hands instinctively grasp her own bottom as the full horror of her punishment dawns on her. The judge then specifies which size cane is to be used.

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“20 strokes of the cane across your bare bottom!”

The next scene sees our damsel in distress in the punishment cell. The young man who is to punish her, looks suitably pleased at the job is about to undertake. He firmly bends her over the caning block, pulls a strap over her waist so she can’t move and then starts to raise her skirt – but with the worst timing in history the Czar turns up and reprieves her – blast it!

A bold decision to go with a spanking that doesn’t actually happen at number one. I have to agree that, undimmed by age and poor picture quality, The Congress Dances fairly crackles with enough spanko-electric energy to power the National Grid! As you will see here.

Thanks Martyn 🙂

Remember to keep those Top Tens coming in!

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Reader’s Top Tens – Michael Gray

If you were sent to a desert island and only allowed to take TEN mainstream spanking video clips with you – which ones would you choose?

Reader Michael Gray has sent me his personal Top Ten. It’s an interesting selection with familiar standards nestling alongside some more leftfield choices. In fact, there are a couple that I haven’t even seen. He explains his criteria: “To me the attractiveness of the spankee, her naughtiness, and the overall build-up to the spanking are what matters (even if in some cases the spanking itself is cut short).”

If he’s missed out some of your favourites, why not send me your own Top Ten, and perhaps “Reader’s Top Tens” can become a regular series? You can contact me at the usual email. I think two or three of Michael’s selections would make my list too, but you’ll have to wait to find out which ones.

10. Yours For The Asking

Attractive, interesting Ida Lupino plays a gangster’s moll in a tight skirt, and ends up getting her bottom soundly spanked.

Watch this underrated scene here. And yes that skirt really is tight!

9. Temple Houston (“The Guardian” episode of TV series.)

The whole episode is about Temple’s taming of the unruly daughter of a dead friend.

This is a topical choice because Chross has recently posted this clip on his blog so judge for yourselves just how good it is here.

8. The Hawk of Castile

Similar plot to Temple Houston, this Spanish film tells the story of a very naughty teenage ward who pushes her guardian one step too far and gets spanked in front of all his dinner guests.

I haven’t seen this and couldn’t find the clip online or even a still.

7. McLintock!

I’m choosing the Stefanie Powers scene because I find Stefanie more appealing than Maureen O’Hara.

Whilst there are plenty who think that Maureen O’ Hara’s coal-scuttling is the greatest spanking scene of all time, there are some for whom it isn’t even the best spanking in McLintock!. Download the Stefanie Powers scene here.

6. Wagon Train (“The Nancy Styles Story” episode of the TV series.)

Naughty (unpleasantly so but she has a real minxish attractiveness) Deborah Walley hitches a ride on the wagons for her own nefarious purposes. The spanking is too short but its good to see her behaviour starts changing as the first two or three resounding spanks land. And the journey there was something else!

Deborah Walley is one of TWO spankees on Michael’s list who were romantically linked with Elvis Presley during the 1960s. Watch her screen spanking here.


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5. The Naughty Flirt

Pert and delicious Alice White teases her man once too often and gets soundly spanked on the seat of her tight dress. Rueful bottom rubbing follows.


4. McHale’s Navy (“Babette Go Home” episode of TV series.)

The whole half hour is about a girl who needs a good spanking. This one played with great gusto by Susan Silo is very naughty indeed, stowing away on board, and then setting off a torpedo! Another short spanking but the journey there makes it worth it.


3. My Little Margie (“Daughter at Law” episode of Gale Storm’s TV series.)

Again, the whole episode is about Gale being particularly disobedient and working up to a good spanking across her father’s knee.


Gale Storm was also spanked in the 1949 Western “Stampede”.

2. Iron Maiden What a gorgeous creature Anne Helm was. She gets a brisk deserved spanking in a barn and there is more than one reference to it later in the film.

Anne Helm is the second former flame of Elvis on this list. Download the scene here. One later reference comes when Anne Helm’s mother asks her where she was “struck”. She says “on the…” but doesn’t complete the sentence!

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1. Cowcatcher’s Daughter. Unrivalled in my opinion in build up, quality and length of spanking, the engaging naughtiness of Marjorie Beebe as the daughter, and her relationship with strict but dotty Pop, Andy Clyde.

Watch Michael’s No 1 here.

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The picture shows what Michael thinks MIGHT have happened in another of Marjorie Beebe’s films when Pop caught her painting graffiti on the fence. A sound spanking followed by an humiliating addition to her own “tag”!How embarrassing for naughty Marjorie having to stand there like that until supper time!

Don’t forget to send me your own top ten mainstream screen spankings. 🙂

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