Category Archives: Film Fanatic

Jen’s Butt Grabs Attention

The romantic comedy Management is the latest and greatest tribute to one of the leading cultural icons of our times – Jennifer Aniston’s derriere!

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The former Friends star’s (slightly blurred) butt cheeks once graced the cover of Rolling Stone magazine no less. They also provided The Break-Up’s most memorable moment.

In Along Came Polly, her bottom actually got a spanking! Ben Stiller’s friend told him that all women love to be spanked. Her red panties were certainly giving off “spank me now” signals – so he gave it one decent whack!

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Now we have newly released indie flick Management. The poster leaves movie-goers in no doubt that the Aniston rear will once again be the centre of attention. It looks in fine condition in those slacks which are actually nice and tight around the all-important area! (Click to enlarge) What a great way to sell a movie! The actor doing the honours this time is Steve Zahn who plays Mike an under-achieving assistant motel manager.

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Jennifer plays a corporate saleswoman who spends a few nights at the Arizona establishment where Mike works for his parents. He tries to flirt with her by bringing a bottle of wine to her room “compliments of the management”, but he has a clumsy way of chatting her up:

“You have a great butt,” he says. “I noticed the moment you checked in.”

Mike can hardly believe his luck when she invites him to touch it!

The subsequent encounter, with Jennifer bending over a dressing table, is funny, erotic, and slightly unsettling all at the same time in a way that recalls Secretary.


Reading this scene in the script persuaded Aniston to do the film.

“It is one of the most memorable scenes in the movie,” she said. “One of the main reasons that I took the job. I have never laughed so hard.”

It’s hardly surprising that the “rump grab” was also the main talking point at last month’s special New York screening. When Stephen Belber groped Jennifer from behind she yelled:

“He just touched my butt!”

Before hastily adding: “He’s allowed, He wrote it.”


Steve Zahn about what it was like shooting the scene and revealed that they had to do it many times to get it just right!

So have you and Jennifer Aniston been looking for the right project to work on together since you guest starred on “Friends” back in 1995? And then Management came along?

SZ: [laughs]: That’s exactly it! So we met on Friends, which was like the most terrifying experience of my life, really my first television experience. And it was like walking into this close family – this really kind and inviting family – and I’m this outsider. The show had only been on the air about a year, but it was already this huge thing. I was scared to death. But then Jen and I worked together again on Object of My Affection, and we became friendly then.

Or at least comfortable enough where you could shoot that butt-touching scene over and over again and have it not be too weird.

SZ: Right. That scene is funny because we shot it so many times to get it just right. We wanted it to be funny, a little awkward, but not too creepy. And Stephen Belber was going for a very specific tone. We shot that scene fairly early in the movie, so that helped add to the awkwardness somewhat.

Is it meant to be sexy in any way, because I thought it was.

SZ: Oh yeah. It’s meant to be sexy above all else. Stephen wanted to make it clear that Sue is getting turned on a bit from it; Mike is getting turned on–not that he’s going to do anything beyond touch her butt.

I also got the impression that shooting that sequence was more difficult than shooting the actual love scene later in the movie.

SZ: That might be true. The sex scene ends at a certain point before things get too hot and heavy, but that butt-touching scene is shown in agonizing detail.


I couldn’t find the FULL butt-touching scene online (only the link above). There are plenty of sites that claim to have it, but when you try to play the video you get a “This video has been removed” message. The film received a limited theatrical release on May 15. Probably best to wait for the DVD which it’s just been announced will be released on September 29. (No information available on special features yet but they could be interesting.)

Meanwhile, Jen is set to begin work on her next film, Bounty Hunter. Gerard Butler plays a bounty hunter whose latest assignment is to hunt down his ex-wife (played by Jen), who has skipped bail.

Sounds like her famous butt could be on the line again if he catches up with her!

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House Bunny Calendar Girls Featurette

How about this for a spankable line-up from last summer’s hit comedy House Bunny? Which one would you pick to go across your knee?

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Anna Faris (second from left) stars as a former Playboy bunny who signs up to be house mother for a sorority of nerdy misfits. She turns them around and teaches them everything they need to know to surpass the other sororities on campus.

Movie-goers harbouring secret hopes of sorority paddlings were disappointed, but there was some consolation when Anna Faris appeared wearing nothing but a towel on her head!

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It may be a body double but it’s a nice enough bottom anyway.

There were also some interesting work-out scenes as Anna puts the girls through their paces, and a dance routine which even had a bit of butt bongo.

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Other stars include Bruce Willis’ daughter Rumer Willis and Emma Stone playing a geeky virgin who is the leader of the Zeta Alpha Zeta sorority.

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Emma Stone: red hair + glasses = geek

At one point in the film, Anna gets the girls to raise some money by doing a pin-up calendar. The results are nice if a little bit tame.

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But on the DVD there’s a “Calendar Girls” featurette which shows the photo shoots complete with interviews and behind the scenes footage. It includes a more interesting shoot which didn’t make it into the film. Probably because it was a little TOO interesting!

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I don’t know if she was your “pick” but yes, that’s Emma Stone being spanked otk by her teacher for bad grades! You might have guessed that it would be the redhead who gets it. It usually is!

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It’s not too difficult to see the influence of some classic spanking iconography here. The National Lampoon cover springs to mind, especially the use of the offending paper as a prop.

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The camera angle though is similar to the famous Father’s Day issue of Panorama magazine. (Which in turn was probably based on the 1960s Chase & Samborn coffee advert.)

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Intriguingly, while the Father’s Day spanking is bare bottom and the Chase & Samborn ad clearly isn’t, the House Bunny shots leave us guessing! It’s the teacher’s jacket that makes the crucial difference.

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But we do get a lingering close up of Emma as she assumes the position. She tries to look as if she’s enjoying it, but she also seems a little embarrassed.

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Thanks to JS666 for tipping me off about this. There’s another shoot with Rumer Willis wearing a dunce’s cap and very little else – again loosely based on classic fetish photography. The version used in the film has her sitting on the stool, but in the featurette she is shown bending over the stool!

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You will of course want to enjoy the full House Bunny Calendar Girls featurette for yourself here.

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Emma Stone (described by JS as a healthy version of Lindsay Lohan) at the House Bunny premiere.

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Lady Penelope’s Bare Bottom

This is a follow up to my previous Statement about the Bafta Awards (see below). JS666 left a comment asking about the “unspeakably elegant Sophia Myles. Though she hasn’t done any rear nudity that I’ve seen, one can tell that through her clothing that she is splendidly endowed.”

Sophia Myles played Lady Penelope in the 2004 Thunderbirds movie. According to Wikipedia, “One of the few aspects of the film to receive positive acclaim (other than the special effects) was Sophia Myles’ performance as iconic superspy Lady Penelope, a portrayal in a style identical to that of her television counterpart.”

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After a bit of research, I managed to track down some stills from the 2006 movie Art School Confidential which reveal EXACTLY just how well endowed Sophia is!

Since the links I added to the previous post don’t seem to work, and this jaw-dropping scene has slipped under the radar of both JS and myself until now, I thought it was worth making sure YOU don’t miss out.

JS has also sent me a great shot of Sophia as Lady Penelope in her tight skirt with trusty chauffeur Parker (Ron Cook) in attendance.

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So here’s a scenario for any aspiring (or established) spanking film producers out there:

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After years of grovelling and subservient pandering to the spoiled Lady P’s every whim, Parker finally snaps. Taking her across the hood of her Rolls Royce, he raises that tight skirt, pulls down her pink designer lingerie, and paddles a similar shade into those full and firm butt cheeks!

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“O YES m’lady!”

Trivia Note:

In the film, FAB-1 Lady Penelope’s car, was a Ford rather than a Rolls-Royce. This was because the producers could not reach a suitable agreement with BMW, who own the Rolls-Royce marque; the car manufacturers insisting that only an actual production model could be used. Ford stepped in with a special version of their Thunderbird model, duplicating the six-wheel system on the Supermarionation Rolls.

In my spanko version it would HAVE to be a Rolls (six wheels or not).

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Hands on hips, lips pursed, eyes narrowed – you must know what I’m talking about here. Think Maureen O’ Hara in The Quiet Man or Lindsey Lohan in…anything at all! Hell hath no fury quite like a young lady with an ATTITUDE PROBLEM!!

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Insolent, defiant, cheeky, petulant, sulky…all qualities that are supposed to be the speciality of teenagers, but some never seem to grow out of a bad attitude.

Not without some help anyway!

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And what could be MORE attractive to the spanker? Who wants meek and submissive, when you can have feisty and strong-willed with a touch of ice-queen arrogance?

For example, has anyone ever pouted more provocatively than this Kiss Me Kate actress? The expression “needs taking down a peg or two” was surely made for her.



Since this is Kiss Me Kate, of course she DOES get her just desserts. How sweet to see such a haughty creature taken in hand and taught a much needed lesson.

And doesn’t the little boy in the window think so too?!

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Attitude adjustment – Shakespearean Style

This is Christy Carlson Romano in the movie version of kid’s TV show Evens Stevens. As you can see, she’s giving it the full works. Look into those eyes. Scary huh?


The object of her contempt is her brother.

He pleads: “Can you say something ‘cos that sick look is really starting to freak me out?”

She’s just found another brother rifling through her underwear drawer! This is a Disney film so the reasons are fairly innocent – they need to use her hosiery as mosquito netting for a robotic summer chair!

“These things gotta itch your butt!” says the annoying little kid holding up a pair of her tights.

But within a minute Christy’s butt isn’t just itching, it’s STINGING!!

The robotic chair comes with it’s own mechanical hand to repel intruders!

“OWWWW!” yells the Disney starlet as the robospanker swings into action across her perfectly rounded rear.

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Attitude Adjustment – Disney Style

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And just for good measure she ends up covered in gunge too. Job done. See the whole scene here .

The spanking model who does attitude best in my opinion is Amelia Jane Rutherford. She’s great at playing the spoiled princess who’s used to getting her own way and is just asking for a spanking…

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…which thankfully she usually gets!

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Attitude Adjustment – Firmhand style

The nearest equivalent in the music world has to be our old friend Avril Lavigne.

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And here’s the right implement for a good spanking on her….

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…bare bottom!

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The Diaries of Kenneth Tynan

“And the games one can play! Really there is no sport to touch it: it is not just a nocturnal relaxation, it is a way of life.” (Kenneth Tynan writing about the spanking fetish in 1973)

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  • Kenneth Tynan (b.1927) was an influential and controversial British theatre critic and writer.
  • After divorcing his first wife, the author Elaine Dundy, he married American screenwriter Kathleen Halton in 1967.
  • Oh! Calcutta!, the erotic stage revue that he produced, debuted in 1969 and became one of the most successful theatre hits of all time.
  • In 1971, Tynan co-wrote with Roman Polanski the script of a screen adaptation of Macbeth. In that same year he returned to his childhood habit of keeping a journal.
  • As his second marriage began to fall apart, he became increasingly obsessed with spanking and caning the female bottom. He formed a sado-masochistic relationship with a woman known as Nicole whose fantasies matched his own. Their notorious spanking sessions are described in the diaries, which he always intended should be published.
  • He moved with his family to California in 1976, with hopes of easing his emphysema and to write a series of articles for the “The New Yorker”.
  • Tynan died in Santa Monica, California, aged 53.
  • “The Diaries of Kenneth Tynan” edited by John Lahr were published in 2001. I’ve extracted all the relevant parts from the book and added a few additional notes of my own in italics.


24 January

So we beat on, canes against buttocks, borne back ceaselessly into the past.*

A parody of the last lines of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”: “So we beat on. boats against the current, borne ceaselessly back into the past.”

16 February

Roman shoots the nude sleepwalking scene. Francesca (Annis) does it very sportingly and with no great fuss about her nudity. At lunch I opine that Francesca has fesses tristes. Roman agrees, adding that he much prefers bottoms to breasts. We discuss which stars have the sexiest bottoms. I say Natalie Wood; he says Jane Fonda. I reply that hers is boyish. ‘Why not?’ says Roman. ‘As a matter of fact I have the sexiest bottom in the film industry.’ (And he gets up to model it).


Sexiest Bottom?

I then put in a word for Marilyn Monroe. Roman says ‘Oh, if we’re going to talk about dead people, Sharon’s* bottom wasn’t bad.’ It does not seem to occur to him that his tribute could have been less callously phrased.

* Actress Sharon Tate (above) who had been murdered by the followers of Charles Manson two years earlier.

4 April

I’m writing a magazine piece on Roman Polanski – at best a morally neutral act. But the film Andy Braunsberg* wants me to direct has an erotic and anally sadistic theme. To do this work may well be a wicked act.

* Andy Braunsberg was a film producer whose credits include “The Fearless Vampire Killers” (in which Sharon Tate was spanked). Tynan and Bruansberg’s planned spanking film was never made. (see entry 1 October 1972)

12 April

The most unexpected thing I ever heard said: after a dinner party in the mid-fifties. The host desultorily asked the guests to name the three things they loved the most in the world. The answers ranged from the predictably serious (‘Schubert’s Quartets’) to the predictably skittish (‘onyx cufflinks’) until Kitty Freud* shook her dark hair and said with trembling candour:

‘Travel, good food, and being spanked on my bottom with a hairbrush.’

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* Kitty Freud was the wife of artist Lucien Freud, and she is a frequent subject in his paintings.

28 September

T. E. Lawrence’s RAF record, auctioned yesterday, has the following entry:

‘Identification marks: scars both buttocks.’ This confirms the story of one of Lawrence’s service friends that he regularly beat him. Odd how upper-class British life between the wars was full of stately, dapper men with blazing eyes who took tea in ducal conservatories and then retired to furnished rooms to take down their trousers and be whipped.

I met some of them in Oxford after the war, mostly minor gentry, many of them slightly sinister, planning to buy and operate private schools for boys (an easy thing to do then, because inspection of such schools was cursory and infrequent) of which the main function would be to act as laboratories for experiments with the cane.

12 December

A new magazine has appeared called Mentor*; entirely made up of letters from fetishistic readers, rather like the pre-war London Life. Mentor is a unique example of a democratically run magazine with full reader-power. It is controlled by its readers, most of whom are crying out to be oppressed (i.e. by fetter, gag, chain, corset or cane).

* “Mentor” was the forerunner of the famous spanking magazine “Janus”.


1 October

I see Andy Braunsberg and because of the gossip that will surround my proposed film, give him two phony reasons for postponing it indefinitely – (a) that the publishers are insisting that I fulfill a long-overdue contract for a book by next spring or repay £5,000 and (b) that the new British film censor rigourously cuts all spanking scenes.


20 February

Since last November I have been seeing (and spanking) a fellow spanking addict, a girl called Nicole. Her fantasy – dormant until I met her – is precisely to be bent over with knickers taken down to be spanked, caned or otherwise punished, preferably with the buttocks parted to disclose the anus. She also enjoys exposing and spanking me. Meeting only for intensive and exhausting sexual purposes, we have delighted each other for months.

Our fantasies exactly match: whereas I am conscious that Kathleen has had to will herself to fit into my fantasy.

Recent experiences prove once again that physical pain is not a source of pleasure even to the masochist. The apprehension, the preparation, the threat, the exposure, the humiliation – these are thrilling, and so is the warmth afterwards, and the sight of the marks; but the impact of cane on bottom is no fun at all. The pain is no part of the pleasure of masochism: it is the unpleasant price that must be paid for the pleasure that precedes and follows it.

Writing about ‘the subject’ makes me reflect again how infinitely more varied in its excitements is Sado-mas than straight sex.

The sado-mas couple have all the pleasures of straight fucking plus the myriad variations that sado-masochism brings with it – the marks that stay for days on the bottom, giving one a reminiscent thrill with each twinge; the anticipation of punishment, which can go on for a week or more and provoke masturbation a dozen times before the whipping actually happens; the multitudinous roles one can play – priest and novice, teacher and prefect, maid and master, doctor and patient (enema department) etc. etc. – each enabling one to savour different nuances of domination and submission.

One fact worth investigation: no sadist that I know is interested in breasts. Bottoms replace them completely as sexual fetishes.

And the games one can play! Really there is no sport to touch it: it is not just a nocturnal relaxation, it is a way of life.

10 April

Another Larry (Laurence Olivier) reminiscence; of the weekend Elaine and I spent with him and Vivien (Vivien Leigh) at Notley Abbey in c. 1955.

Larry returned during dinner: the other guests were Vivien’s mother and father, a petty bourgeois former colonial administrator, I believe. After dinner V.’s mother knits, father pulls on his pipe and reads The Times, V. is drinking hard. ‘Come with me,’ she says to me, and to my consternation starts to lead me upstairs.

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Tynan with Vivien Leigh

‘What for?’ I say. ‘I’m going to put on Sybil’s chain-mail from St Joan and you’re going to help me,’ she says.

Vivien now strips down to her petticoat, bra and knickers and I lower the heavy costume over her head. Thus encased, we return to the living-room, where V. proceeds to render some of the longer speeches from St Joan.

On an impulse she then sheds the chain-mail. Mum is appalled: ‘Now, miss,’ she says, addressing the forty-eight-year-old like an errant schoolgirl. ‘That’s quite enough of that. You mind your manners!’ ‘What are you going to do, Mummy?’ says V. provocatively. ‘Spank me with a hairbrush?’ Mum seems on the point of doing just that.

What a scene that would have been!

30 May

Dee Wells and Freddie Ayer’s party at Hampstead Town Hall. I sit while others dance and find myself the surprised repository of information about unsatisfactory sex lives….Peter Quennell’s wife*, slightly drunk, tells me that Peter has gone home in a rage and that she will be whipped when she joins him; she is therefore determined to enjoy herself thoroughly before being punished.

* Peter Quennel was a writer who had four wives.

5 June

Desired things

Class A:

  • The sun
  • The company of people by whom I am loved
  • The company of people I love.
  • Good food and wine
  • The propinquity of a female bottom I can quite freely whip.

20 June

Nicole is really a tremendous reaction to twenty-five years of feeling ashamed of my sexual preferences – being taunted and threatened and blackmailed with them by Elaine, who (except in moments of drunken reconciliation) spent fifteen years intimidating me by promising to tell friends and employer all about my filthy desires unless I clove to her, and who actually did tell my daughter, then aged four, about them, in the small hours of one phantasmagoric night. It is appalling that K. should be suffering for Elaine’s crime.

In an interview in Independent Magazine (29 October 1994) Elaine Dundy said:

‘No need to mince words: it is necessary to correct the false impression which Ken spread that his sexual sadism only involved playful spankings, for a while they could serve as an aperitif, to arouse him, the headmaster’s cane was his instrument of choice.

To cane a woman on her bare buttocks was what gave him his greatest satisfaction…Although I deeply hated it in theory and practice, I submitted to his flagello-mania on five different occasions, one lasting a week, and broke four canes. Each time I did it, it was for the craven reason to keep him for myself.’

17 July

Trevor Griffiths asks me what I mean by a humanist. I say: A humanist is someone who remembers the faces of the people he spanks.

21 July

Preview of Equus. It works better than I had ever thought: and to my surprise I find it deeply moving. The truth is that I identify with the hippophile boy whose strange ‘perverted’ desires Peter Schaffer is at such pains to extol and preserve. In all the people who are shocked by his peculiar ways I see those who have despised my love of spanking.


12 January

Elaine’s new novel, The Injured Party, contains a vicious and vengeful portrait of me as a sadist whose ‘vile appetites’ (her phrase) compel him to cover his wife with weals, ‘some bleeding’. (the last two words are wonderfully horrid: I have never drawn anyone’s blood and would hate to do so, as she well knows.)

17 June

Mike told me a story of Roman Polanski’s first visit to New York, at a time when his command of English was flimsy. He sat in moody silence at a party chez the Bernsteins where everyone was playing complicated word games.

Suddenly he said: ‘There’s a great Polish game you ought to play.’ ‘What is it, Roman?’ ‘Do tell, Roman!’ ‘Listen everyone, we’re going to play Roman’s game,’ said Felicia. ‘What do we have to do?’ ‘Well,’ Roman said, ‘it’s very simple. One person stands in the middle of the room and closes his eyes and bends over. Then somebody else hits him on the ass. Then he has to guess who hit him.’ A moment of aghast silence: but by now they were committed.

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Leonard and Felicia Bernstein

There followed a tableau I would have given much to see: New York’s Upper Bohemia, in its Italian silk dinner jackets and Balenciaga dresses, taking turns to have its ass slugged, led by Felicia, exquisite in her Givenchy, daintily proffering her bottom in what must have been a quite unforgettable frenzy of embarrassment. The story is told against Roman, but as I retell it, I can’t help feeling that he won. To impose yourself like that.


29 January

Last night to Greenwich for John Osborne’s* new play, The End of Me Old Cigar, all about a wealthy whorehouse madam plotting to destroy male supremacy by releasing to the world her collection of films and tapes of prominent male citizens in bed.

Main interest consists in lengthy first-act attack on me, described as lilac-trousered Oxford trendy with a passion for inflicting ‘dangerously painful spankings’.

Sickening to find J.O. resorting to the old puritan trick of knocking people because of their sexual habits; quite like old Queensberry vilifying Wilde. And why ‘dangerously’ painful spankings? He must know this is a lie. If not, he should ask his wife*, whom I spanked to our great mutual delight nearly twenty years ago.

Jill Bennett

*Osborne had five wives. Actress Jill Bennet was the one that Tynan spanked.

22 March

Can it be true – as I sometimes suspect – that only unhealthy people are sexual deviants? (Physically unhealthy I mean.) Am I wrong in assuming that all athletes are straight? Is it just indoctrination that makes it impossible to imagine George Best wielding the birch or Ken Rosewall downing the knickers?

15 June

Realisation of a fantasy that has nagged me all my life. A few months ago I answered an ad in Time Out that said: ‘Pliant girl seeks order in her life.’ Scenting a submissive, I wrote back telling her to reply to my letter immediately and at length, or she would be spanked.

Three months later: ‘At length!’ about twenty words. I did it on purpose. Send for me.’ I did; we met in Sloane Square and had a drink. My first question to her was:

‘What do you deserve when you are disobedient?’

‘A good spanking’


‘On my bare bottom.’

Her name is Sally; she’s pretty and dark-haired, in her early thirties, with a husband and two children. She had nearly 500 replies to her ad; out of the handful she answered, she has entered into serious spanking relationships with four men. (She only discovered that her greatest happiness was to be enter discipline when she read L’Histoire D’O two years ago. It doesn’t enter into her relationship with her husband.)

I asked her how she would like to be disciplined by a man and a woman simultaneously. She said that would be ideal. So last night, on the dot of 8 p.m. she rang the doorbell of 14 Pindock Mews, where Nicole and I were waiting for her. I told her she could ask us any questions she liked. It was soon obvious that we were all on exactly the same sexual wavelength. I produced a bottle of champagne and we drank a solemn toast: ‘To spanking.’ The atmosphere of happy anticipation was intoxicating.

Then Nicole and I played the roles of a count and countess whipping a new housemaid for theft and drunkenness. Sally wore Victorian knickers with a slit at the back. Nicole a pair with a rear-buttoned flap. After lecturing sally (or Sophie, as we named her), I put her over my knee, opened the slit of her knicks and gave her chubby bum twenty-five smacks. Nicole sat two yards way, staring at the reddening globes. She then replaced me and gave Sophie twelve stingers with the hairbrush, making her count each stroke. Sophie opened her bum well as Nicole instructed, and we noted an exquisite, hairless little pink anus.

Now came the reversal of fortunes: I revealed that the Countess, too, was to be chastised, for having spent £500 on a new dress without permission. So it was Nicole’s turn to bend over my lap. I unbuttoned the flap and Sophie got her first glimpse of my darling’s bare bottom. I gave her twelve hard strokes with the brush. Sophie watched, riveted, (Both girls afterwards said that they found this episode the most exciting of all; Sophie humbly said that one day she hoped to granted the privilege of spanking Nicole)

Then both girls were sent to the bedroom to prepare to be whipped. When I joined them, Nicole was already in the whipping position, her bum well spread; and Sophie demurely sat at the foot of the bed, her eyes fixed on Nicole’s anus. I gave her six stripes, very hard, with he white whip. Sophie then took her place: Nicole and I both noticed that she spread her globes much wider apart than we do, so that the flesh around the anus was pulled as taut as a drum. she go six, too, after which I left the whip testing between her outstretched cheeks.

After a few minutes, standing in the corner for their red bums to be on penitential display, the girls joined me on the bed to have their weals inspected. I made both of them kiss each other’s whipped globes. They held my prick, I gently squeezed their corrugated bums, we quietly and passionately reminisced about every detail of an experience that had already eaten its way into the deepest recesses of our minds.

‘Did you like Nicole’s bottom?’ – ‘What does she think of mine?’ – ‘We both adore your anus.’ – ‘Did the hairbrush hurt more than the whip?’ – etc. etc. On this occasion we didn’t fuck in Sally’s presence (she had to get home to North London): but next time Nicole will surely end up on top of me, being whipped by Sally while I fuck her and at the same time stroke Sally’s already glowing bottom. A milestone? If it were now to die.

8 August

I had arranged a spanking trio with Sally for Sunday evening and was annoyed when she wrote to say that one of her professional clients had summoned her to a ‘contract’ that same night, and that of course, business came before pleasure. I phone to remonstrate with her, but without success. ‘If Nicole had to act on Sunday night,’ she said ‘wouldn’t that take precedence?’ She’s right, of course…yet I am annoyed and do feel cheated. I suppose it’s injured ego; that she should prefer anyone to me as a reddener of her bottom!

20 September

Another death: Pamela Brown, at fifty-eight. I had worshipped this pop-eyed, tawny-haired, ferally attractive actress since my teens: indeed when I was twenty I burst into her dressing-room after a performance of The Giaconda Smile and fell on my knees before her. She was witty, kind and waspish; and although she was a semi-cripple, with one leg partially withered and visibly thinner than the other, she had great sensuality and could look at you with a wonderfully predatory gleam in her eye.

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Pamela Brown

In the late fifties she came to New York, where I was unhappily married; and I remember a memorable day we spent together in her hotel suite. I confessed all my (then horribly secret) sexual desires, and she happily indulged them; yes, I spanked the lovely cripple; and we fucked and tenderly talked and giggled and knew we were friends for life, even if we never met again.

10 October

Finished C. Sykes’ biography of Evelyn Waugh. Full of odd, unnoticed facts – E.W., who abhorred theatre, saw Kiss Me Kate ten times (was he a spanker?) apropos of the Profumo scandal, he said that ‘a pound a swish’ was a highly inflated price.


13 September

Rehearsals of Carte Blanche* have moved into the Phoenix and have reached the critical phase. Everyone wants my ‘Triangle’ out but cannot insist, since I have taken care to write it into the contract that the number cannot be excluded. The strain is great… but the truth will be that spanking and all that it implies are still unpresentable topics on the English stage. ‘It will drive people out of the theatre,’ says Richard Pilbrow in an honest and unguarded moment.

* “Carte Blanche” was another erotic review – the sequel to O Calcutta! Tynan’s contribution was to be a spanking play called “Triangle”, but it was cut from the show.

25 November

sm 01Thanksgiving dinner chez Billy and Audrey Wilder, guests include Sue Mengers*. Sue is sourpussed again for unexplained reasons; just as inexplicably, I start to grope her during diner. Sliding my hand down the back of her backless dress to squeeze her enormous bum. Have no ides why I did this; she responds with happy moans and intimate work with her knees. Her daunting size would of course be a deterrent if it came to the crunch; but on the other hand there would be a lot of sheer buttock to whip.

* Sue Mengers was the talent agent to many of the most important members of the New Hollywood generation of film makers and actors in the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s.

28 December

Went to an ‘enema clinic’ advertising spankable girls. The sweetheart assigned to me turned out to be a huge black girl built like a Watsui warrior with an Afro hairdo like a geodesic dome. She was under the impression that I wanted to wrestle with her, and opened the conversation by menacingly informing me that she cycled twenty miles to work every day and twenty miles back home.

I swallowed hard and went through the motion of putting her over my knee, but it was about as enticing as spanking King Kong. (Her buttocks were like black marble.) Apart from anything else, I have never derived any pleasure from spanking black girls; it conflicts with my belief in civil liberties.


9 May

It was during that trip (to Spain) that Elaine confessed she had had an affair with Kingsley Amis: I caned her, one stroke for each letter of his name, and made her confess to the Joneses that she had been whipped. (They were intrigued but unshocked.)

7 June

Rita Moreno* on the Merv Griffith show – bristling with energy at forty-five – my mind and prick go back to 1964, when she was the last woman to make me cry. (Much as we adored each other, there was too much spanking for her to take, and too many career chances in America.) Rita, whose anus I licked in Bristol, London, and Newcastle (where we flew to see Larry’s pre-London tour of Othello); whose firm tawny bottom I joyfully smacked; who sucked me off by daylight in a train as it passed through Royal Oak station, a minute away from arrival at Paddington. Has she gained energy since then? Or is it merely that I have lost it? She says on the show that constant fucking has kept her young. I believe it.

* In addition to the spankings she received from Tynan, Rita Moreno was also spanked on screen in “The Vagabond King” (1956)

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1 August

Today Kathleen being away in London for a fortnight, I called a girl who had advertised her availability for spanking purposes in the L.A. Times and made a date to see her at 2.30p.m. at an apartment house in the tacky part of North Hollywood. Blinds drawn, rock music blaring, other girls flitting in and out of other rooms.

I give her $60 and it’s immediately clear that she is high on cocaine and is utterly uninterested in the the spanking scene. However I put her across my knee, where she lies wriggling in time to the music, and am about to experiment with light tattoo on the her rump when another girl dashes into the room and tells her to come at once.

I wait in my underwear for two minutes: then girl one (we’ll call her Mandy) dashes back, her face white, and says: ‘The cops are at the door. Get your clothes on and hide in the closet. ‘I do this at record speed and huddle in a clothes closet where I shake so much that the clothes hangers rattle.

Suddenly I remember that my handbag, containing credit cards, chequebook, and driver’s licence, is on my bed. I am wondering whether to hurtle out and grab it when Mandy flies back and whispers: ‘They’re coming in to search the place. You’ll have to jump off the balcony.’ I seize the handbag. ‘Hurry, for Christ’s sake,’ she hisses. dragging me through the window on to the balcony. I look over: it’s a 12-15-foot drop into the alley, with garbage cans directly beneath.

‘I can’t make it,’ I mutter. ‘It’s that or jail,’ she says. (In LA, both the prostitute and her clients can be charged.) So I scramble over and drop. No injury; not even a tear.

My first reaction is that the whole thing has been a put up job to get my $60 and that there were no cops. Later in the day, however, I call Mandy’s number and another girl replies: she says Mandy and three other girls and four or five men are down at the court house, and: ‘Who the hell are you anyway? Are you a cop?’ So I hang up. Some kind of thanksgiving is in order. It would not have helped my relationship with K. or The New Yorker to have been picked up in a vice raid. I must have escaped literally by seconds.

18 November

See three more films by Carlos Saura and my admiration grows; his latest Elisa Vida Mia strikes me as his best.

I tell Carlos: “You’ve admitted that your films are semi-autobiographical. But the mystery is that you seem to be telling my autobiography.’ (There’s a scene in his La Madriguera* when Geraldine dresses as a schoolgirl and begs her husband – an older man – to punish her, which he does with a ruler on the seat of her knickers.)

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Geraldine Chapman in La Madriguera (1969). She also received a spanking in Stress-es tres-tres (1968), another Carlos Saura film .

22 September

Merlin by Robert Nye, who wrote the masterpiece Falstaff, reveals even more clearly its author’s obsession with the world of spanking, eg:

Camelot the golden/ Built upon a secret cesspool/ A very perfect gentle knight/ Who likes to whip girls’ bottoms/

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It’s Showtime!

The recent TV spanking renaissance which the Showtime channel brought to our screens received plenty of well deserved plaudits. While we were THRILLED by Californication , and then DUMBSTRUCK by Weeds, a third scene in Dexter went a little overlooked in all the excitement. It was only a single smack but, nevertheless, I think Dexter deserves its chance in the spotlight.

Another reason is that I’ve just been watching the second season, which is the one that contains the spanking (episode 10), and learning more about the plot and characters. I’ve also found a few extra Dexter related goodies to bring you.

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Debra Morgan, played by Jennifer Carpenter, is a key member of the police task force that is trying to find a serial killer (who the audience knows is her foster brother Dexter). She falls for Frank Lundy (Keith Carradine), the maverick FBI Special Agent in charge of the case, while improving her ability on the job under his guidance.

Her early appearances in uniform are pretty impressive.

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We know that Debs’ father was a top police officer himself who died when she was very young. It doesn’t take a degree in psychology to see that her relationship with the much older Lundy is all about seeking a father figure, someone to teach her, protect her, and, yes, discipline her when needed.

Debs comes with a ready made excuse for the latter option. She is potty mouthed, and Lundy disapproves of her swearing habit. She’s also clumsy, and prone to speaking without thinking first.

As the romance blossoms, Lundy invites Debs to his apartment for dinner. A simple order to prepare the potatoes is enough for Debs to initiate a little father/daughter role-playing game.

“Oooh! I like a man that takes control!”

Just like a parent, Lundy tells her to wash her hands first.

“Oooh, you’re so turning me on!”

Lundy then comes out with the threat that she’s “not too old to spank!”

“No stop please, I can’t control myself!”

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At this point, is it my imagination or does Debs bend over and stick out her behind? The subsequent spank looks and sounds real enough too.

If like me, you overlooked this scene when it first appeared last year, then I recommend it as well worth a reappraisal.

Also, you may not be aware that in an earlier episode there’s a good close-up view of the behind that Lundy spanked? It comes when Debs gets a plaster cast fitted on her leg by a doctor.

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Jennifer Carpenter first attracted critical attention in The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005). According to Wikipedia, “she earned the role due to her ability to contort her body and face in frightening ways (most of her “demonic” contortions were achieved without the use of visual effects). She took home the 2006 MTV Movie Award for ‘Best Frightened Performance’ “

I was a bit intrigued by this talk of facial contortions and frightened expressions. So I searched out an example of her award winning skills from The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

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Debs got a shock when Lundy upped the severity level!

But how did the Showtime spankings come to be filmed in the first place?

These were all quality critically-acclaimed dramas, and the writers did a great job of making the spanking scenes an integral part of the story – not just thrown in for the sake of titillation.

Yet their inclusion can’t have been purely writer-led; that would be way too much of a coincidence. An executive decision must have been taken to include spanking in the channel’s dramas. I wonder if the FULL story behind “The Great Showtime Spanking Trilogy” will ever be told?

My own belief, as I’ve said before, is that it would never have happened if it weren’t for the precedent set by the film Secretary. But what next? Where do TV spankings go from here? After this brief but spectacular post-modern flowering will they disappear back into the wilderness? Or will they spread? From cable to network channels perhaps…or to Europe?

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Talking of Europe, here’s another reason to love Season Two of Dexter: the English actress Jaime Murray was hardly known for flashing the flesh in her role in BBC drama Hustle.

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But as soon as she crossed the pond to appear as Dexter’s love interest Lila, she seemed to lose all inhibitions and produced one of the great bottom baring moments of last year when she undressed and stepped into the shower.


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Lord Melbourne

“Spanking sessions with aristocratic ladies were harmless, not so the whippings administered to orphan girls taken into his household as objects of charity.”

lm 1This is a quote from a recent biography of William Lamb (Lord Melbourne) who was British Prime Minister from 1834-1841 and a mentor of Queen Victoria.

A Google search also reveals this on a website devoted to his first wife Lady Caroline Lamb:

“William survived not one but two prosecutions for ‘Criminal Conversation’ (i.e. adultery) with women who found his reserved manner and taste for flagellation difficult to fathom.”

Now one of the most notorious spankers in Victorian England. (and there’s some pretty hot competition for that title) has been brought to the big screen by Paul Bettany in The Young Victoria.

And, according to a review in The Times, “he steals every scene” with his brooding sexual presence, while “the rising star Emily Blunt plays the cloistered young monarch with a schoolgirlish playfulness.”

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I haven’t seen the film yet, but this sounds like the perfect recipe for some spanking threats at the very least. Let’s hope script writer Julian Fellows (Gosford Park) was up to the task.

Even if he’s not, Emily Blunt is definitely an actress to watch and is surely due some comeuppance in a movie eventually. I loved this assessment of her talents in another review of the film:

The casting of Emily Blunt as Young Victoria was much anticipated. This is a star who in the past has impressed with her smouldering mischief, knowing smile and old-fashioned sexiness – particularly in her 2004 debut, My Summer of Love, and later in the 2006 high-fashion comedy The Devil Wears Prada. Emily Blunt is a black-belt minx: Keira Knightley isn’t in her league.

To further illustrate this post, I have some stills which Firmhand sent me showing another “black-belt minx”, Lady Amelia Rutherford, being royally dealt with by a very convincing “Lord Melbourne”.

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Could almost be an out-take from the film!

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What Top Celebrities Really Think About Their Bottoms – Amy Adams

In Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian, a blockbuster ready to strike in May, Amy Adams will portray American aviation pioneer, Amelia Earhart. But according to the actress, her BOTTOM is going to be the star attraction of the film!

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Because she spends most of it wearing jodhpurs…

tight jodhpurs!!

She told Blackbook:

I’m not known for showing my ass on camera, but there it is. I was like, that’s a lot of information.

It’s going to be an Amy Adams butt show!

A teasing early preview of the “The Amy Adams Butt Show” can be seen here. Especially around 40 seconds, as she kisses co star Ben Stiller.

Yup, those jodhpurs are definitely tight! No wonder Ben can’t help checking it out.

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Wanna circumnavigate that?

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Kate Winslet’s Golden Globes

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A recent comment from a Kate Winslet fan was very timely, as this post was already in the pipeline. She’s never been mentioned on this site before, so I’m glad to be able to put that right. And well done Frants for beating me to it…just!

Small but rounded, womanly yet firm, Kate Winslet’s rear has earned her a Golden Globe award for its spectacular centre-stage performance in The Reader.

And it’s hotly tipped to become an Oscar-winning tush too. No body doubles, no airbrushing, this is just the sort of brave and honest A-list bottom-baring that deserves to be recognised by the academy.

Kate has always been a refreshing counter balance to stick thin Hollywood actresses, and a champion for “real” women everywhere. She was called “Blubber” at school but after years of unkind comments about her weight she has proved that her behind is actually a splendid example of pert perfection. Let’s just hope it doesn’t get any smaller!

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Kate once filmed a back whipping scene in Quills (2002), but for some strange reason her bottom seems to have avoided any movie spankings. Shame really as she would be a top choice to play the Maureen O’ Hara role in a remake of McClintock, and she’s coming up to the right age for it too.

Kate has proved before that she is justifiably proud of her behind. In 2007, she submitted this self-portrait to a Celebrity Charity Art Auction. “Fancy getting your hands on Kate Winslet’s bum?” asked the headlines at the time.

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What would a psychologist make of her choice of red coloured paint I wonder?

She has been nominated five times for an Oscar and was asked if she finally wanted to win one this year:

“Do I want it?” she said, “You bet your f–king ass I do!”

As actress Constance Bennett sighed on viewing Marilyn Monroe’s derriere: ‘There’s a broad with a future behind her!’

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Slippery Silks

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This scan from Moving Picture World shows Caryl Lincoln (1903–1983) being spanked by Lige Conley in 1927 Fox comedy short Slippery Silks. I think she might be disguised as a man, because she is wearing dungarees and work boots and Conley has lifted off her hat as if to reveal her true identity. In the lower picture, she is looking much more feminine and fashionable, and as the article says “there is not quite so much action, but more contentment”.

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Slippery Silks was Caryl Lincoln’s screen debut. Pretty, petite, and talented, she would star in ten films from 1927 to the end of 1928. She starred opposite a dog in Wolf Fangs (1927) and Tracked (1928), and was the “Girl from Liverpool” in the popular A Girl in Every Port (1928).

In 1930 she starred opposite Bob Steele in The Land of Missing Men, which started her on a path to several lead heroine roles in western films. Her career had slowed by 1934, however, and her last credited role would be that same year. She was close friends to legendary actress Barbara Stanwyck, through whom she would meet her husband Stanwyck’s brother, Byron Stevens.

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